Revving up your team’s productivity with ChatGPT

Revving up your team’s productivity with ChatGPT

We know that everyone is talking about ChatGPT and its potential impact on our day-to-day workflow.?

As a leading omnichannel social commerce platform, we have been exploring in-depth how we can properly utilize the Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology in AI chatbots, like ChatGPT, to help our customers overcome their industry challenges through conversational commerce.?

With so much chatter about ChatGPT’s potential, let’s keep it simple here and focus on one topic at a time.?

If you’re wondering about how ChatGPT can empower your business to take that checkered flag, today’s newsletter is the one for you. Start your engines, let’s go!

Acronym of the day: NLP?

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Source: ChatGPT

NLP stands for Natural Language Processing and it’s why AI chatbots like ChatGPT are so groundbreaking compared to your run-of-the-mill “rule-based” chatbots.?

AI chatbots are smarter in the sense that they can interpret and respond to ‘natural language,’ including any of our spelling and grammar mistakes. They have the ability to identify our conversation intent and can even pick up on emotional emphasis, consequently generating a more human-like conversation.??

The only way to improve a rule-based bot is to add more rules, but ChatGPT is a motivated self-learner who is constantly gleaning over existing databases and conversations for the latest relevant information.?

In short, this is why ChatGPT is the ultimate time-saver. It significantly reduces the time you spend automating your “rule-based” chatbot, by learning on its own to satisfy your specific business needs, such as responding to customer inquiries or providing product recommendations.?

How ChatGPT can ease the use of automation and enhance productivity

1. ChatGPT for conversational or AI chatbots

By using ChatGPT with automation, businesses can rely on chatbots with inquiries that are a little more complex based on its ability to:

  • Attend to various questions at once
  • Interpret customers’ intent even when there are typos
  • Understand and responds in multiple languages

2. ChatGPT for conversation labelling

With ChatGPT incorporated into customer engagement, it can be first used to interpret customer intention whenever inquiries come in. Once the query is identified as a specific category, the correct label can be automatically assigned to the active conversation.

ChatGPT use case examples:?

  • Purchase request: if a customer drops a message about a product that they’re interested in, the automated settings can combine the purchase requests into a list. Sales agents can quickly attend to this list of customer conversations.
  • Support: most of the time, online customers will message a business to check for orders or shipping statuses. By grouping these conversations together using ChatGPT automation, you can send out order updates to customers all at once. Or even better, you can integrate messaging channels with your e-commerce store, such as Shopify, to see the progress of each customer’s order and their purchase history right next to the chatbox.
  • Billing: before customers change their minds about renewing subscriptions or memberships, assign your team members automatically so that they can act fast and provide billing support to your customers.
  • Complaint: angry or disappointed customers can cause detrimental damage to your brand reputation. Once ChatGPT automation identifies the customer’s intention to make a complaint, you can have these conversations labelled as a priority.

3. ChatGPT to improve chatbot-to-human handoff

When a customer requests to talk to a human agent or if the issues become too complicated for a chatbot to handle, your customer support team will need to take over the conversation. With the help of ChatGPT, a brief summary of the situation can be provided. Your customers will not need to repeat themselves, and your agents will be able to get a hold of what the customer needs without going through large chunks of messages.

ChatGPT integration coming to SleekFlow soon

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On SleekFlow, an omnichannel messaging platform with advanced automation available for setup, the upcoming ChatGPT integration will surely make it even easier for businesses to automate sales, marketing, and customer support.?

On SleekFlow’s intuitive interface, you can also:

Until next time

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Further Reading:


