(R)evolutionizing Your Evolution...Consciously

(R)evolutionizing Your Evolution...Consciously

I recently had the pleasure of visiting Gabbianella, a citizen of Damanhur, the spiritual community I live in. She currently lives in a home where she can be offered full-time care for various reasons. The residents of Damanhur regularly visit with her and after my visit, I felt so inspired by her way of looking at the world, that I just had to get these thoughts out to you! 

You see it had been some time since I’d visited with her, and in doing so and catching up on our lives together, we got to chatting about my work. Put simply, we talked about my evolution and how I’m doing it consciously.

Because Gabbianella doesn’t have a lot of people to talk to about her own spiritual research she’s always so excited to hear what new things I’m planning, about my wonderful clients, and what I’m currently doing in my work with plant intelligence and cognition

The home that Gabbianella lives in is surrounded by the most beautiful gardens. 

During our conversation she was telling me that these gardens are an incredible motivation for her. Despite not currently being able to get out into them physically, just seeing them allows her to have a connection with nature that empowers and grounds Gabbianella. 

As she explained this feeling to me, I was reminded of how powerful the plant world is, with all kin’s different entities and multi-faceted layers of impact! It was like having this feeling of going back to the beginning of one cycle of my evolution. I was transported to that awakening I had when I first connected to the plant kingdom.. and right there, it was a light bulb blew up / mic drop moment right! 

For me, what I do is what I am. It’s just so natural to me, that every evolution I go through on a personal level gets manifested in the work I do. I am what I do, I do what I am!

The feelings and memories sparked from this one conversation, had me thinking about the fundamental elements that were crucial in developing my business and how they can be shared with other entrepreneurs to help them grow and flourish in their own work. 

I realized that there are certain elements that follow a common thread in all the types of work I’ve done throughout my life, no matter how varied the work has been. And being a multipotentialite, trust me, it’s quite a diverse history! 

For the entrepreneur recognizing the need to transform their life, these elements (AKA Deep Patterns) are the key to matching your life—business and personal—to who you are today. They are the key to opening the door and leaving behind limiting beliefs around fear, money, your values, the insecurities and doubt you have about who your True Natural Self is! 

They are the things that somebody who embodies being a conscious leader in their own lives considers and delves into in order to infuse together your life purpose with your decision making processes, which makes strategizing and evaluating opportunities easy. Your core essence knows which direction to go. And your experiences guide which road you take to get there.

You could consider this the new model of (r)evolution you need to let your true natural self emerge into the world! 

So, what are these 4 things you really need to ask yourself when it comes to consciously choosing to take your evolution to the next level? 

  1. Do you have a passion? 

You might have several! That’s ok! As I said I’m a multipotentialite so I totally get that! My background is pretty unusual and has always been that way. Even as a kid I never felt called to just one thing.

Your passion is the thing that moves you, that lights you up, and brings up incredible emotion for you. Just talking about the work I do, particularly with my incredible clients that are making such a conscious change and impact in this world, can bring me to tears. It’s that rush of emotion when you think about your passion, when you’re working with your passion, when you’re sharing it with others. Your passion is the thing that fills you. 

  1. Do you have a need to bring meaning to your life? 

I’ve met so many people throughout my career that, on paper, have these incredible resumes. These are people who have seen and done some amazing things and had some incredible impact already… but still they don’t feel fulfilled by it. They have this burning need to do more, it’s a 24/7 desire that they just can’t turn off. But it never feels like work because it’s just so damn important that they get it out into the world that it’s not a hardship to immerse themselves into it. 

  1. Are you ready to take a risk? 

This can seem like a complicated question, right? But here’s the truth: 

It’s actually a simple answer. If your need for passion and meaning in life is so important that you can’t do anything but express it, then you’re ready to take the risk to completely immerse yourself into it regardless of what the consequences may be. 

You don’t know what’s going to happen, but you know deep down that it’s time for the change. Open yourself to it, and it will be transformative.

Knowing this means that you can feel the beauty and excitement in not knowing exactly what’s going to happen. Trust that it will allow you such a deep connection to who you are, your life purpose, and your soul mission, that you will feel fulfilled on a level beyond your dreams. 

Even if you experience failure along the way. This leads me to this last crucial question you need to ask yourself. 

  1. Are you willing to do what it takes to (r)evolutionize your evolution?

Doing whatever it takes means accepting the consequences of taking risks with dignity, pride, and the knowledge that these are just the building blocks to your growth and reaching your goals! 

Here’s an example of what doing whatever it takes might mean: 

Back when I was producing events, I would, on the day of the event, join the security team. Now you might be thinking it sounds a bit Undercover Boss like for the CEO of the event company to be working security, but here’s the thing… doing so allowed me to network and look at every element connected to creating an amazing event. It allowed me to be on the ground floor, seeing every single opportunity to improve and grow, without my ego playing any kind of part. 

Because at the end of the day, if it takes you to your true meaning in life, then every single element of your work is important and nothing should be considered less than crucial or below you. 

I truly believe that when your work is infused with a deep sense of purpose and when you are truly conscious of your passions, deep patterns, and meaning, you are able to easily make conscious decisions with awareness. And when this happens, opportunities align.

This has been my reality since my plant awakening all those years ago. Forming a connection with the natural world allowed me a sense of purpose and clarity beyond anything I could have expected. 

I won’t lie and say there won’t be hard times during your evolution. Of course there will be. You are a human being still learning how to navigate the waters of life. Fear can be quite loud when you are trying to listen to your inner guidance and bring your mission to fruition. I still have times of deep reflection and evolution. And with these come a great deal of questions and sometimes fear… or at the very least, uncertainty! 

However, I know that through my own transformation, my years of experience in communicating with the plant world to overcome beliefs and habits that don’t serve me, and developing a huge toolbox of personal, spiritual, and business development resources, the noisy voice of fear can be quietened. 

And trust me, you can quieten the noise, too. You need to find the right combination of tools for any limiting beliefs that might come up for you, and that’s what I’m here to help you do because I know that finding your soul mission will set the direction for your next success. 

What are your experiences with the elements I’ve mentioned above? And tell me, as we move into a new year, are you ready to,(r)evolutionize your evolution? 

Is it your time to not just make a change but completely invest your body, mind, and soul in doing so? 

If the answer is a resounding yes, then reach out. It’s not easy to reach your goals on your own and honestly, you’re not designed to. It takes a village after all, hence why I am so adamant about building community ecosystems.

By using my experiences and years of learning you can accelerate your own growth and design your evolution. Believe me when I say I’m more than happy to share! That after all, is my passion, my purpose, and the thing that I just can’t not do!   

Whatever it might be that leads you to consciously make decisions that align completely with your soul, your values, and your beliefs, we can find them together. And with those in hand, you will easily design your evolution. 


Tigrilla Gardenia Nature-Inspired Mentor and Coach的更多文章

