Revolutionizing Data Center Cooling: The Ferveret Solution
Ferveret develops liquid cooling solutions inspired by nuclear power plant cooling.

Revolutionizing Data Center Cooling: The Ferveret Solution

At Ferveret , we are building #liquidcooling solutions inspired by #nuclear power plant cooling. Our goal is to change the paradigm of data centers by developing small modular tanks capable of handling the increased demand of high-performance computing.

This is important because we are living in a world that generates an unprecedented amount of data every day. And with the proliferation of internet-connected devices, the volume of data generated is only increasing.

Most #datacenters cool their servers with air, the same way you’d use a fan to cool off on a hot day. But to power the fans is costly given how much electricity is required. You could use water, but the heat transfer properties aren’t ideal. The water would heat up too quickly and you wouldn’t be able to execute high computation tasks like giving a prompt to #chatGPT.

Now companies are developing solutions that fall under the #immersioncooling umbrella, but this still presents problems. As heat is generated by the submerged servers, pressure builds in the tanks which leads to designs that aren't airtight and cause fluid loss. According to DataSpan, on average 40% of data center costs are tied to cooling, which makes most solutions incredibly expensive.

At Ferveret , our tanks are airtight. To combat the pressure build up, we remove heat directly from the chip surface via a process called subcooled nucleate boiling. This is the same heat removal process used in nuclear reactors, and where our expertise lies. Our CTO Dr. Matteo Bucci is a faculty member of nuclear engineering at the 美国麻省理工学院 with our CEO Dr. Reza Azizian having over 10 years of experience as a thermal packaging engineer at companies like 微软 , 英伟达 , and Cruise .

We are also designing our own fluids. Many options in the market today were originally used to clean circuit boards, but because of their boiling temperature are now advertised as immersion cooling fluids.

With the rise of #edgecomputing and #IoT, we believe the future of data centers is in #modular tanks. Today, if one server malfunctions, the entire tank goes offline. We don’t have this problem. We have the ability to remove as much heat as 5 air cooled racks packed into a tank smaller than a minibar.

We are 20 months old, and there is so much more to come.



