Revolutionize Your Life: The Transformative Power of Heart Healing Tools

Revolutionize Your Life: The Transformative Power of Heart Healing Tools

My work is profound, deep and life changing because I hand YOU a myriad of tools, techniques and countless activations and I am there with you as you practicing them.

YOU are creating the profound change you have longed for since before you could speak. That is why it sticks. No one but you can heal and fill those spaces.

I know it works, because my own life has been utterly transformed to unrecognisable levels, and I have outstanding feedback from 1000s of clients.

This is what I believe and have witness countless times:

*That over time it is possible to rewire and re-write your habits, behaviours and perceptions. Certainly if these habits are anti-peace, anti-joy, and anti-life.

*You have a choice to step towards more ease by acknowledging and working with what makes you the most uncomfortable in life (often you, but also acknowledge what you surround yourself with and consume and taking steps to minimise what hurts).

*It is very possible to come to a place of more peace and spaciousness, more capacity and creativity, and more loving tenderness for yourself and others. To walk through life with out shame, blame or bitterness.

The tools I am going to share with you can last a life time and help you re-design day by day, moment to moment the vehicle (your body & energy field) that you travel through life with.

This work is multi-generational. We are working on what was handed down to you, ancestrally, collectively and historically.

I have personally used these methods on myself and with my clients for over a decade, sometimes I double down on them, and sometimes I whip them out when necessary for emergency self-care. But why wait until you are unwell or in a mess.

Becoming centered, aligned, balanced, grounded and present are life long skills that support you in all you do.

The tools I share on the LOVE AGAIN: Heart Retrieval Program help:

Untangle from the wounding of previous relationships and step into healthier new paradigms of relating, overcoming anxiety, procrastination and collapse, giving your power away, understanding codependency and seeking validation outside of yourself, using crutches or others to feel whole, giving your love away in the wrong places, a look at boundaries, isolation and over-giving and much more.

My dream for you is that your life becomes infinitely simpler, quieter yet more enriching.

If you practice and adjust your energy, posture, mindset and emotions again and again eventually you run the new programs in automatic pilot. Long lasting change is possible.

It is not about being in perfect poise all the time, but to be able to lean into the difficult parts with more confidence and grace.

So that you can trust and rely on yourself 100% to be able to respond to challenges.

WE NEED EASE, LOVE & TENDER GROUNDED CARE at the moment and this is laying the foundational blocks of a new way of being in your world that feels right and good.

I have a special situation coming up, a small intimate group going through LOVE AGAIN:The Heart Retrieval Program spread over a longer time.

This is perfect if you feel bigger groups don't suit you, and if you find weekly calls too much.

We start calls every two weeks on a Wednesday at 12pm UK time from the 20th December onwards. The content will be released the week before.

And in the New Year a MEN's only cohort going through the program. I have a waiting list for this.

The level (mastery and quantity) of transformational calls I hold through all my processes set me apart from many other healing spaces available online.

I can pretty much guarantee (with your commitment to the process of course) that your inner landscape and sense of self in the world will be altered longterm in such a way that you will know that your investment in my courses paid for themselves 1000x over.

I have an incredible attendance rate to all my courses - 97% at least- people just don't miss my calls that is how profound they are.

Please love, like, share, comment, invite friends that need some new skills.

Really looking forward to hearing from you, whether it is for the smaller group coming together or to show interest in the Men only cohort ??

If we have worked together before a quick chat will suffice. If we have not then I would suggest we jump on a quick call. This is sensitive and powerful work and I want to make sure you are ready for this and that we are a fit.




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