Revolutionising Training Methods: A Case Study in Upgrading Program Managers in Defence

Revolutionising Training Methods: A Case Study in Upgrading Program Managers in Defence

Preparing a skilled workforce is paramount to success in the competitive landscape of the defence industry.

When our client, a key player in the industry, faced the challenge of training over 300 new Program Managers, it became clear that a strategic and innovative approach was necessary.

With the company’s goals hinging on the expertise and performance of its program managers, our team embarked on a mission to revolutionise their training methods.

The Challenge

The company's goals and success rely heavily on program managers' availability, capability, and performance. To continue achieving its goals, the company would need a pipeline of new Program Managers to step in and fill positions as seniors leave the company.

The existing training solution was built on Adobe Flash software, which was outdated and nearing expiration. To address this challenge effectively, we recognised the need to pinpoint gaps in the knowledge of the existing program managers and create a program tailored to their daily work challenges.

The Three-Pronged Approach

Our solution was a comprehensive three-pronged approach designed to upskill and empower the new program managers.

Masterclasses: These in-depth sessions covered a wide range of essential topics crucial for successful program management.

Video Segments: Existing program managers shared personal experiences and real-world scenarios, reinforcing concepts learned in the masterclass.

Interactive Workbook: Learners engaged in hands-on exercises, applying newfound knowledge to practical situations and reflecting on their learning journey.

We also created a dashboard to help organise completion data and awareness of who completed the course. We also produced weekly progress reports on user demographics. These reports allowed us to track progress and intervene with directed communications when needed to encourage usage and motivate the learners as necessary.

Impact and Success Stories

The results were astounding.

Through a strategic and creative marketing push, a total of 760 defence personnel completed the Program Management MasterClass Series with an impressive 97% acknowledgement of its value.

The positive outcomes were not just anecdotal but measurable as well.

?? Operational Improvements: The defence organisation witnessed tangible improvements in program management, such as improved on-time performance and enhanced communication efficacy.

?? Knowledge Dissemination: Best practices from the training initiative permeated throughout the organisation, equipping all staff to manage the demands of products and services adeptly.

?? Financial Impact: Program participants' direct handling of $2.7 billion underscored the substantial financial ramifications of effective training interventions.

The Program Management MasterClass continues to be a cornerstone in developing current and future Program Managers. This course is also used as an example of what good, targeted training can achieve in future developments.

This training program has also gathered significant recognition in the industry, earning accolades across multiple awards categories.


This success story of our tailored learning solutions for the defence industry showcases the transformative power of investing in continuous learning and development.

Empowering Program Managers with relevant knowledge and skills enhances individual performance and drives organisational success.

Contact us today if you want to transform your company’s training. We would be happy to discuss your needs and how we can help you achieve your training and development objectives.



