Revolutionising Material Testing: Vector Extensometer
?In the dynamic world of material testing, precision and efficiency are paramount. The Vector Extensometer is a new approach for Imetrum in strain and extension measurement. It combines decades of experience with the latest hardware, and innovative software, resulting in a viable, non-contact alternative to the traditional extensometer.
The product range uses a 'plug and play' approach that streamlines the testing process on Universal Tensile Machine test frames. Imetrum has collaborated with major test frame manufacturers, ensuring integration with both hardware and software.
Vector is a self-contained extensometer, capable of replacing multiple sensors with a single industry-specific instrument. It reduces throughput times and associated costs, whilst improving measurement accuracy, consistency and Health and Safety. Vector sets itself apart with a range of features:
The shortcomings of traditional extensometers are addressed through Vector's non-contact, high-accuracy three-dimensional measurement techniques. Vector's benefits include:
Vector's user-centric design incorporates intuitive features, including laser alignment guides, status indicator lights, and flexible operating distances. The Vector Interface ensures easy setup, offering immediate feedback on module status. Automation features, such as specimen and gauge length detection, simplify operator interactions, enhancing test reliability and allowing to measure strain to failure.
Additionally, Vector's GUI (Graphical User Interface) provides operators with detailed insights within the test setup and offers clear guidance on how to address potential issues. For instance, it can detect scenarios where markings extend beyond the laser guides or when there's movement of the specimen.
Vector's onboard adaptive processing enables zero-touch operation with dynamic responses to varying specimen sizes, appearances, and behaviours. The extensive working volume and seamless access to the in-built validation mode provide immediate confidence in Vector's accurate results.
For more information visit: Vector -
Access the Vector brochure and data sheet: