Revolutionise your SATs revision
Now Press Play
An award-winning edtech resource working with over 500 primary schools to extend life experiences.
SATs season is looming?but we can help you make it approachable and less daunting for both you and your pupils.
Each now>press>play Experience comes with a bank of follow-on resources including SATs-style questions for reading comprehension and grammar & punctuation.
Pupils are away from their desks and plunged into a learning adventure like no other where they can put core skills to the test.
Cover SPAG, SATs Reading and SATs Maths with immersive stories that make revision fun.
Inspiration to enrich Maths and Literacy
Solve Maths problems with real-life adventures:
Level up Literacy lessons for KS1 and KS2:
10% discount for National Literacy Trust members:
Mark International Women's Day on 8th March with these inspirational figures
Celebrate the lives and achievements of Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale and Harriet Tubman and explore the challenges faced by women in history.
Did you know? Every year we award participating schools Science Star Stickers for Science Week!
now>press>play at Upcoming events:
We're pleased to announce that we'll be exhibiting at two events at the end of this month!
To find out more about how now>press>play helps schools enrich learning across the curriculum, you can book a free trial on our website.
We hope you enjoyed this SATs edition of our newsletter and we look forward to connecting more with the #educommunity in future updates.