The Revolutionary Invention that Transformed Cities: Elevators.
Aniket Mahale
Head of System Engineering & Offer Management @ Schindler India | General Management | Technology Leadership
The story of Mr. Elisha Otis and his groundbreaking demonstration of the safety feature at the Crystal Palace in New York City in 1853 is renowned among industry professionals. This event marked a new era for elevators and their wide-ranging applications. It makes us wonder what Mr. Otis envisioned when he invented safety gears. Could he have foreseen the pivotal role his invention would play in shaping the cities we see today? Undoubtedly, his revolutionary invention transformed the real estate industry and countless others. Consider this: could cities like Mumbai, London, or New York thrive without elevators? I believe the answer is a resounding "No." Yet, it is surprising how little importance we often attribute to elevators, relegating them to a lower priority.
The Significance of Elevators in Modern Construction:
During my time in Field Operations, I encountered an incident that highlighted the underestimated significance of elevators. A Vice President of a reputable construction company asked me to leave his office when the discussion about installation-related topics exceeded the allocated time. In his view, the cost of elevators accounted for a mere 2% of the total project expenditure, and he had already spent more than 2% of his daily schedule on this matter. Initially, I was shocked by his dismissive attitude toward installing the most vital vehicle that would drive his business. However, upon further reflection, I realized he wasn't ignorant. He was confident that elevators would be readily available when needed, as their design, installation, and maintenance are generally straightforward.
The Basics and Beyond: Understanding Elevator Systems:
Designing, installing, and maintaining a basic elevator for mid-rise structures is not rocket science. The fundamental principles underlying elevator functionality have remained largely unchanged. However, things become more complex when we aim for faster, higher, and smarter elevators.
To truly grasp the essence of elevator systems, it is crucial to comprehend the applications of each component within the system. By delving into the performance of these components and the challenges involved in their optimization, we can extract the maximum benefit from elevator technology. Thus, I present this newsletter as a platform for knowledge sharing, where we will start our journey by exploring the applications of elevator components.
Exploring Elevator Component Applications:
In the following weeks, we will delve deeper into the intricacies of various elevator components, such as ropes/belts, motors, gearboxes, drives, car and landing doors, cabins, buffers, and more. I have intentionally listed only a few components here to avoid overwhelming you with unfamiliar names. As a lighthearted insider joke in the elevator industry goes, "Elevators are made of a thousand components." While not entirely accurate, it emphasizes the fact that elevators rely on numerous components working harmoniously to provide a pleasant ride for end users. Together, we will explore each component, gradually unraveling the complexities of the complete elevator system.
The story of Mr. Elisha Otis's invention marked a pivotal moment in history, transforming cities and industries worldwide. Elevators have become an indispensable part of modern construction, and their significance should not be underestimated. In this newsletter series, we will embark on a journey to understand elevator systems, starting with a detailed exploration of each component's applications. Join me in this knowledge-sharing platform as we unravel the mysteries behind elevators and appreciate their profound impact on the world we live in today.
Refocused Approach: Expanding Reach through a LinkedIn Newsletter!
Originally published on my website in 2020, I have been curious about finding alternative ways to connect with a wider audience. Therefore I am contemplating the idea of starting a newsletter on LinkedIn as a means to reach a larger number of people.