"Cell Regenerative Therapy" (Covered by Malpractice Insurance)
We recently were introduced to an incredible lady that was in the process of launching what will be an international revolutionary and exciting service that doctor's can add to their practice that will create such a patient referral business that each doctor's office will potentially generate an additional $100,000.00 or more in monthly revenues. What is it that can create such a buzz for a patient that they would be referring friends to "Go see my doctor, and he/she can turn back the hands of time for you too!"
The world is aware of the interests, and all the studies that indicate many benefits from stem cell therapies. And with all the varied forms, or sources of stem cells, there are different degrees of short term and long term benefits.
Fat cells in a persons body contain stem cells, and some folks have a lot more of these fat sourced stem cells than others. The doctor simply extracts fat from the patient/donor's body (liposuction), extracts the stem cells, and injects the fat sourced stem cells back in the body. Time consuming, painful for the patient, expensive out of pocket expense for the patient, and the benefits are marginal to say the least.
Also to be taken into consideration, those stem cells derived from fat are more than likely as old as the person is, old tired stem cells being injected back into an old tired body? And haven't we all heard that toxins and poisons are accumulative in fat cells? Then wouldn't these stem cells be influenced by the toxic environment they were extracted from?
Bone marrow sourced stem cells from a person's bone is regarded as a superior source of stem cells from our own body. However, again, we are extracting stem cells from an old source, and if we are desirous of tapping into a youth factor, would old stem cells be our best choice? And this too, like the fat liposuction option is not a simple office visit. And if you think liposuction is painful, imagine having the doctor driving needles deep into the bone to extract bone morrow.
Our skin, the largest external organ of the body also is a source for stem cells, and these stem cells like the ones sourced from our fat and our bone morrow are most likely old and tired, and the only thing they have in common is that they originated in our body, they are part of who we are and the risk of rejection by the bodies immune system is very minimal. But again, it's the pain factor, the down time recovering, and the stress of being in a hospital is always a negative factor.
Then comes these incredible youthful stem cells that are sourced from healthy umbilical blood from healthy babies that are plentiful and ready to go to work. Unlike organs, glands, cells or tissue harvested or donated from other people that our bodies may reject or come with potential unpleasant side effects, these infant unassigned stem cells are similar to colostrum in that they are completely interchangeable and compatible to all people. These infant unassigned stem cells are awaiting their calling, and your bodies intelligence and the intelligence of your immune system will know exactly where these stem cells are most needed.
This brings us to a revolutionary concept in marketing and educating health professionals and patients on the values of live umbilical cord stem cell therapies. Ms. Julie Davis conceived this vision of creating a net work of doctors around the USA and eventually the world that would provide the valuable service. She incorporated within the business plan a means to support the providing doctors with patient referrals. Included in the program, a separate opportunity for training to educate doctors and allow them to set up a network of doctor accounts that they could earn residual referral income from their health professional accounts.
Back when the automobile mass assembly line production was just beginning, it became obvious that until there were gas stations conveniently located, consumers would not be as inclined to give up the reliable horse and buggy for a gas fueled car if they couldn't find gas before the vehicle get to where they intended to be. So it is with venturing into a new field of medicine as a pioneer. If your current malpractice insurance does not cover this revolutionary therapy, then obviously most doctors would be reluctant to offer the service to his or her patients.
This is where Ms. Julie Davis applied her logical skills and back ground in insurance underwriting. Being with Farmers Insurance for many years she quickly sought the advice of higher management in how this obstacle could be overcome. Working with the Farmers Insurance underwriters Julie Davis has been able to obtain a group policy for the specific purpose of stem cell therapy providers for stem cell medical malpractice insurance. As the popularity and social acceptance of the combustion engine car was dependent on availability of gasoline, the very trending and popularity of professional acceptance of the stem cell therapies will be dependent on the providing doctors to have the protection of malpractice protection in the form of a specialty malpractice policy.
As a group policy, MD's and DO's, anywhere in the USA can have the protective coverage as a group simply by filling out the simple application form and paying their premium without the hassle of going through individual underwriting.
There are some areas where your help is needed to make this group policy for doctors an economical first choice for this specialty service. As quickly as possible 25 to 50 MD's and DO's are needed to fill out and submit a "test application". This is non-binding and no premium payments are required unless you decide that being a provider of Lifestyle Cell Therapy's live umbilical cord stem cells is something you would want to offer your patients. This "test application" will be used only to create the foundation for the stem-cell group policy.
The "test application" asks for basic information on your current practice, then asks you to explain how you would plan to incorporate the live stem cell therapy into your practice, as if you have never used it before. The application will ask you if you intend to use the stem cell therapy for you current patients, new patients, only patients reffered to you specifically for the stem cell therapy, or all three. This "test application" asks for your projections simply because the new live stem cell therapy would not be cover your past therapies you may have used.
Once the stem cell therapy policy is finalized, they will offer you coverage for your practice and the opportunity to be a referred preferred provider of Lifestyle Cell Therapy's live umbilical cord stem cells. At that time they can begin extending coverage to other licensed professionals as well.
Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. You would help lead the way to creating coverage for a therapy that is, at this time, not covered. Please review the "test application" attached for you to fill out and scan and email to [email protected] or Fax to 702-920-9962. Please cc to: [email protected].
Now the beauty of all this. Live stem cells harvested from the umbilical blood of a healthy new born baby can provide a better quality of life for your patients, and potentially give them a longer life. And at the same time, provide a better quality of life for many orphaned, abandoned and castaway children rescued by Children's Haven.
By becoming a provider of the live umbilical stem cell therapies as a referred Lifestyle Cell Therapy Provider, you will be helping a much higher calling beyond providing your patients hope and the Cleopatra youth factor, you will be helping thousands of children being rescued from extreme poverty and homelessness. A percentage of all incomes earned by Children's Haven Projects, if you are a referred doctor by CHI, will go directly to the needs of the children. So obviously Children's Haven would have a vested interest in your success.
For more information on becoming a Lifestyle Cell Therapy provider, or information on Children's Haven Projects please feel free to contact me directly. Cell Phone: 702-743-9973 or email me at [email protected].