Revolution vs Evolution

Biohacking and Adapting to the rat race of life.

Biohacking: The new definition; to finding your own body's unique biochemical individuality.

What is Biohacking? Biohacking is essentially what Holistic Nutritionists and many naturals focused practitioners are focusing on right now in the world of health. The importance of deciphering the root cause of any disease and ailment is the key to changing the way the body works and restarting/ reprogramming the functioning of systems in the body. The real focus is to focus on prevention. Thus biohacking on the person-specific symptoms, as in what is good for their biochemical individuality, to heal the body inside and out. Biohacking, to me, is just a fancy word for, finding your body’s natural rhythm to being healthy, vital and thriving in the best possible conditions and environment it now resides in. This is where epigenetics comes in. This is where we focus on gradually creating an environment inside and outside of the body, for the DNA to mutate over time, mutate into healthy DNA in which lacks genetic disposition of weak strands, damaged by food, environment, water etc. Alzheimer's is a disease in which is mental and has been created over time through generational exposure to unhealthy substances, i.e. our environment: food, water, air, stress, etc. The development of the disease, the pathology is clear. Thus, focusing on where it all started, is the path to healing, is the path of regeneration, is the path to new beginnings in which allows the body to restart, reset, shed its old skin and begin anew. It's nothing new to us. My frustration in all this is that we are consistently looking for cures, which does not solve the main issue, WHY is this disease multiplying generation after generation? What is going on in our internal and external environment that is causing a once rare disease to become common and yet prevalent now in our society? We are not focusing on what to change, we are focusing on a Band-Aid solution. What awes me the most, is that we are a species in which understand evolution, we understand that we mutate with our environment. But we also understand shock, we understand that our systems have a natural rhythm that works with a certain time frame. We know that we are rushing, we know we are in hyper speed, and yet instead of slowing down, taking a pause and allowing ourselves to see where we are, we choose to numb what is right in front of us. What is our environment like today? Does it help our future? Or does it harm it? Is this mutation, this evolution, in which we are putting our species through, is it going to make us thrive or is it going to be the beginning of our demise? I understand that we are trying to keep up with the quick changes. Thus, we are looking for cures, pills, vaccinations, anything, to put the bandage on and cover up the problem in which is clear. We are trying to keep up with the rat race. Thus, we are not seeing, that we are actually promoting the problem. We are giving it a reason to thrive. All these quick-fix solutions, amplify the big issue. Sterilisation, adaptation, evolutionary mutation; we are promoting an environment for these problems, diseases, bacteria, viruses, to become stronger, more prevalent. Thus, more damaging, and speeding up the process to our end of civilisation in which is healthy, optimal and revolutionary. History repeats itself. Until we learn the lessons, that in fact we are the ones creating the problems, creating these diseases, and ailments ourselves, (this is not to say that we are responsible for bacteria, and viruses and all cancer in our society), but we are definitely promoting the multiplication of these species to thrive and thus harm us. It's time to end the cycle.


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