The Revolution will not be televised. Neither will our first monthly Leaders Forum on Tuesday next week
Join us next week at The Greenhouse!

The Revolution will not be televised. Neither will our first monthly Leaders Forum on Tuesday next week

Be there if you want to catch what goes down on the day.

We will report the stories, but it’s now Chatham House rules, so those who want to speak openly and freely can do so and remain off the record – whether from the stage or the floor.

Up close and personal with two of our best leaders

Martijn Wilder AM is one of the most talented climate and green investment leaders in the business. How will his company Pollination, which has grown to 200 people in just five years, respond and re-strategise?

Alongside Wilder will be the increasingly impressive The Hon. Matt Kean , chair of the, standing firm, looking climate deniers – and the television cameras –?straight in the eye, sticking up for science and logic.

After attacks from the federal opposition who threatened to sack him this week for the authority’s report that nuclear power in Australia would be devasting for the planet, Kean on Wednesday stuck calmy, and strongly, to his guns.

“I will not be bullied and nor can the science be changed by political pressure,” he said.

“I will continue to be an advocate for the environment and protecting it for future generations. The science has provided a roadmap to do that, and I will continue to advocate for that roadmap.”

There are more…two audience spotlights with Tim Buckley and Blair Palese

Five intense minutes at the end of the show with two people in the audience to hear responses from the fearless (both) Tim Buckley of Climate Energy Finance and Blair Palese of Ethinvest and Climate Capital Forum.

We want to ask them what happens to government and industry policies in the sustainability and green investment sectors should the government change hands soon.

Either way, the political fissures are looking like reaching all the way to Australia. Opposition leader Peter Dutton is on the bandwagon, promising a deregulated ideology that will scramble building codes and a free for all on energy, the meaning of net zero (only for the electricity grid; nothing else) and the removal of Australia from the Paris Agreement.??

The property industry for one is appalled. It’s been calling for harmony and consistency across the nation – for decades. The rest of the sustainability industry can’t believe what they’re hearing.

In New Zealand, the conservative government is also singing from Trump’s Heritage Foundation hymn book and spouting slogans such as “We are not a government of regulation”. People are now paying the price for that. Occupants of new apartments and terraces constructed under this regime report 50-degree temperatures during the day and 30 at night.

Can we expect that here? Can we expect that measures to improve resilience, lessen energy consumption or provide urban greening canopies will be politicised and weaponised?

Questions for Kean, no doubt.

While Martijn Wilder will talk about where the rivers of green gold will flow next. Will some green investments continue to do well in the US, or will investors look at Asia or Europe and perhaps even Australia (if the centre holds)?

Because while politics may be fickle, climate change is a dead certainty, and finance will protect its assets as long as possible.


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