My brother in Christ and my fellow ministers you must know this and be ready for revival. All things in the world have messed, even the church nowadays is moving with the world. The church has intermarried with the world, now you can not put a difference between a church and the world. I have a question, will things go like that really? That’s why I say we need a revival in our church, we have to come back to our senses and do things rightly.

And revival is to begin within us, let me say, has to begin with you or me.


According to prophet Ezekiel telling he saw the almighty coming to look for someone who is ready for a revival, which can make people know God, and go back to the root. God is looking for a man who will lead his people out, who will return people to God. Let the revival begin within us, and it will change many people.


Because God is looking for someone within us but most of us are fighting for leadership. Others are too busy not knowing that it is just wasting time. The bible says in Eccl. 1:2 vanity of vanities says the preacher, variety of vanities; vanity 3 what profit has a man of all his labor which he takes under the sun?


God is looking for a man; amazingly enough, God could not find any man in those days, God wants someone who will stand on behalf of all Israelites, but none was ready to stand in the gap, that’s why Judah and Jerusalem experienced the doom in 586 BC.


Now let us use this picture in the present tense. God is looking for someone who can preach the gospel, but none is ready to go but too busy for nothing.


Let us recall Ezekiel 22:30 I have looked for a man among them to build up the wall and a man he breaches on behalf of land”. Today we have many gaps and breaches, let us come back to our senses and according to the will of God.





The church is mixed up with the world, we need men and women who are ready to stand in the gap. And that man or woman is you and I. Let us arise and do the work of God.


We have to stand and defend our faith because the devil is fighting the church by using some of our leaders in the government and even the church.


The church is sleeping while the devil is working hard to destroy it. Let us come up and do something. Let us answer the call of God, by doing what is necessary hear the voice of the Lord by hearing the voice, you will prosper.


If we are to have spiritual revival in our churches we must somehow counteract this manner for confessing other people's sins rather than our own. In our criticism of other people, we are trying to hide from our own failures. It is dead he to our souls cold. It is fatal to the rise and ongoing revival.



                                  HOW TO BRING REVIVAL.


If a revival is in the church; miracles and wonders will be full with us but when revival is out of the church everything we do will be dry without the Holy Ghost, because the Holy Ghost is the one to bring revival in our churches.


When revival is in place everyone will see its revival will speak for its self, not we to talk for it. Most of us talk about revival but not reviled from the head.


A revival must begin from the head to the legs not from the leg to the head. A revival has to start with the leaders of our churches to the congregation: the Baganda has a saying “The weak head will make the legs tired.


We leaders we are the one to bring the revival, because it was written, that the anointing comes from the head to the whole body. The same revival is from the leader to the followers.


About this year 1830, Charles G. Finney was the agent of the Spirit of God in bringing revival in the City of Rochester, New York.


                                  MEN OF REVIVAL TODAY


In 1977 Pastor Simeon Kayiwa brought a revival in the capital city of Uganda and and the whole of Uganda at large

I0f you want to be a man of revival you have to rise up and stand, don’t compromise with anything which is not of revival.


Men who brought revival were at risk, they had to put in money and give in their time. People will hate you and even fight you in your way to revival, men like apostle Joe Kayo and bishop Kitonga brought revival in Nairobi Kenya and it spread the whole of Kenya


                                  REVIVAL BEGGIN WITH YOU.


To you my brother, you can be one of those who are ready to bring revival in the world you have to first be revealed, because you cant bring revival unless you have revealed. Before examining others first examine yourself whether you have reveled. Let’s have self-examination because self-examination means to allow God to give you an overall with a view to radical cure furthermore, if you are going to be one of God’s instruments for revival, you must begin with yourself.





Is very easy to express what you are than imitating something. Let us do things right and all people will see us doing and copy our acts, then the revival will come in them. We must be an example for revival that it will spread into them like fire in dry grass or dry bush. You can’t help someone with the same problems as you, before helping yourself. We have first to be taught, to teach others, and you have to be reviled to bring the revival to others.


Someone, who needs to bring revival, must not listen to those words, which are discouraging him, but to things that will please God, not men.




To be men of revival we have to do things.

1.                 Face the facts.

2.                 Begin with yourself.

3.                 Hearken to God in everything.

4.                 Believe in propagate the power of revival.

Propagation is the extension and multi plantation by the release of inner forces. The forces of the truth and love of God’s will. It's not artificial it is vital


David to bring revival in Israel had to forsake himself and risk his life for revival. He faced Goliath and overcome him, because of self-decision, if you decide to do, do not go with others.




When the Pentecostal came to Jerusalem in the upper room; that was beginning and it spread the whole world. That’s why we are born again today. Men and women of God went out to spread revival to the whole world. After them receiving revival is when they took revival elsewhere.


                      REVIVAL IN ENGLAND


In the 18th Century, men of revival rose in England, Wesley and White's field reached the Gospel, it started smaller, in a little group of men at Oxford University, and revival went into whole of England.


Dear brethren, we are the ones to bring revival in our churches today in our place of work and at home, be a pioneer of revival in your place.

But if you are not ready to do that, God will use another man to bring revival. Wesley and White's field accepted God to use them to change England.




All things you see begins from the mind and all changes, the mind is very important, it plays a big roll in bringing revival.

We have to change our mind, the revival must begin in our mind. If at all our minds is not changed the world can not see the revival. We have to renew our mind and become fit for the revival, which is ready.




We as men who are looking for revival we need to be obedient to God because with being obedient you want to be a man of revival.


Obedience is the only way to our revival because by doing what God has told you is to bring revival, some of us may not understand the word revival. Revival is to bring things in their right way or to bring things in the true color and to bring back, which had died and put life in it. 


Obedient is needed to men of revival and without that revival won’t come we need to understand that and do it.




Let us take the example of Jesus Christ because he is the founder of our faith, and he is a man who brought a great revival in the world. Jesus was obedient to his father. Obedient is the way to success.  It was written and it will come to pass if you hear the voice of the lord your God. To observe and to do all his commandments which I have commanded you this day, that the Lord God will set you on the high above all nations of the earth Deu. 28:1 if you hear the word of God and do it, no one will hinder your blessing every day, every month, and every year you will be prospering.


Abraham obeyed the Lord in everything to become a pioneer of revival. Now the Lord had said to Abraham get out of your country and from your father's house, to the land I will show you. So Abraham departed as the Lord had told him and Lot went with him Gen. 12:1-4.


It came to pass after these things, that God did attempt Abraham, and he said behold here I am. And he said, Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and get you to the land of moriah and offer him therefore for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell you of.

And Abraham rose up early in the morning and saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him and Isaac his son clave the wood for the burnt offering and rose up and went to the place of which God had told him Gen. 22:1-2






To be a man of revival you have to be obedient to God because Abraham was obedient, that’s why he became a man of revival in his time up to now is the father of all men of revival. We as men of revival we need to give obedient sacrifice to God as our grandfather of revival Abraham. Who believed to give his only son, son of old, God granted him to righteousness, a man of revival. We have to sacrifice ourselves to bring revival, not all that is to be done in order to bring revival that will be healthy to you. In most cases, men of revival risk their dear lives but in the end, the Lord glorifies them. To bring a revival you have to deny yourself and accept the challenges in your way to revival.

If you can’t deny yourself you can’t be part of that or those who will bring revival. Jesus said if you couldn’t deny all for his namesake you are not qualified to be his disciples. This means that if we are not ready to hate that self were not part-time with those who bring the revival.

The revival will come soon whether you like it or not but is even at hand, be wise and join the team of revival you will become a hero on earth and in heaven. God wants you to be part of this revival in your life, originates from your mind the whole body then to all people even the whole universe.




ABOUT THE WRITER This book was written by Rev. Kaliisa Muntu Richard under the guidance of the Lord the highest and it was revealed to him by the Holy Ghost.  Rev. Kaliisa Muntu Richard is the founder and the President of Light to the Nation Ministries (LITONAMI) and is the senior pastor of Jesus Power Centre Church. Rev. Kaliisa’s heart of revival thus why he wrote this book to help others getting their revival Kaliisa has a Diploma in Christian Studies from the Nation Bible Institute of Uganda. 





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I can do all

"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me (Philippians 4:13)" ... so let's just keep it moving and give thanks to GOD Who has by HIS grace empowered us, and Who now enables us to step our feet in new places for the glory of HIS NAME. And now let's open ourselves up to HIM in trust that HE will do HIS part (strengthen us) AS we just continue to step, to His honor and glory. Things may not be perfect where we are sent. They probably won't ... but our very purpose (as HIS children) IS to go as a light into the darkness, to do "all things" set before us "through HIM", even that very thing before us that seems absolutely impossible. It is CHRIST Who gives us strength. -lol/kat :-)

take heed to the word


Praise the Lord all his saints for his mercies endure forever, come let us give glory to the lord. Let us let him be known to all people of all nations. The lord has his way, not as your way, but He uses sons of men to his missions, thus why you are leaving to do the will of him who created you. Your work is to follow his ways and not your ways, let him lead you not you to lead him, let him direct you not you to direct him.

The obedient servant will see his master's favor and will enjoy life. His masterwill entrust him with much. The Lord is your master and he will see you through in all as long as you will remain in him.

Let no one despise you or be looked at, God has lifted you beyond all things on the earth. You are the one whom God wants to use in this generation and you must be ready for that. God uses men and women who are ready to be used of him.

Communicate to him always tell him your situation, communicate with him give him a chance to answer you. Listen to him carefully and follow all his instructions you will prosper in your ways. The disobedient son suffers while his father leaves in prosperity but the obedient servant enjoys all the pleasures.

The power to prosper lies in your hand, God has given you all ability but implementation is yours. God will help you in your way to prosperity and to the level, you have never thought of.

God is willing to work with you and for you, but are you willing? Communicate to him let him know all you want him to know. Silence cools the fire but communication builds the bridge. The problem communicated is the problem solved but if you keep silent, you will be stressed.

Take hideto the word of your teach so that you will learn and add to your knowledge,

Theknowledge not implemented is useless. Give that to another man, it is as if firespreading in the bush. Pass it to others.

Knowledge is obtained from somebody but wisdom is from the lord, it is the unborn.

Knowledge builds a city but wisdom governs it. Understanding will help you to lead people rightly.

Never give up on all that you do, things are not gotten easily like that. Trusting in the lord will help you to reach your destiny.

That idea you have is good and it is from the lord but it good to ask him how you are going to go about it. for more,

you will prosper in the lord

you must fly beyond and above for the lord is on your side, whatever you ask you will receive it in his name. you can do things beyond your knowledge, power, and ability through him who strengthens you. fear not to do, for fear, is the enemy number one of faith and prosperity.YOU cant prosper when you have fear, remember you have to risk your life for you what you want. You can fly and fly.

weep no more

"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning (Psalm 30:5)". It is often when we are perplexed with an overwhelming situation or circumstance that seem to defy solution, where we've tried everything we know to do about it, and it still has not worked out, that we finally remember to (with great fear and trembling) turn it over to GOD. Our shaky utterance of the words, "I can do all things through CHRIST which strengthens me (Philippians 4:13)" is spoken more out of obedience to "call forth those things (Romans 4:17)" than that we are actually feeling it at the time. But it is as we do exactly this - tuuurn to HIM - that HE does exactly that - bring the needed answers, that bring along with it joy because once again, HE stepped in and brought us through ... so, no matter WHAT it looks like, figure GOD in right here in the darkness of the night, and trust HIM to step right in on time. Let's trust that angels are now dispatched into it to do what we can not do, with the healing of that situation on their wings. Let's just HAND it over now, and trust that GOD will not fail

you are going to be established

God has a good plan for you

an expected end is near you

God is going to lift you.

'I am establishing you in a place of peace and strength. You are entering a phase of stability in faith if you will receive it and come into a quiet place of trust and determination to receive all that you need', says the Lord.'Set your heart's desire to seek after ME as your first priority. The days are full of wickedness, but those who are righteous--cleansed by the BLOOD of the LAMB--will rejoice' (MBurns)" ... so let's just keep it moving with the determination to go after GOD today with the same spirit as did the psalmist who said, "As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God (Psalms 42:1)

you have believed in the lord

You have found peace with your Creator. You have found everlasting life! Be assured--God will never leave you nor forsake you. He has brought you this far, and He will complete the wonderful work He has begun in you. God knows your every thought, your every care, your deepest concerns.

Let's now look at some of those possible concerns. First, and of primary concern—do you have "assurance" of your salvation? The Bible says to "make your calling and election sure " (2 Peter 1:10, italics added), so, let's go through a short “check list” to make sure that you are truly saved:

  1. Are you aware that God became flesh, in the person of Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 3:16, KJV), and that He died for the sins of the world?
  2. Did you come to the Savior because you had sinned?
  3. Did you "repent" and put your faith in Jesus?
  4. Are you convinced that He suffered and died on the cross and that He rose again on the third day?

God acquits us from the Courtroom of Eternal Justice on the grounds that Jesus Christ paid our fine. We are "justified" (made right with God) by His suffering death. The resurrection of Jesus Christ was God's seal of approval of the fact that His precious blood was sufficient to pay the fine.

support us by giving

Thank you for using the Light to the Nations online giving option to join us in our mission of reaching people with the life-giving message of Jesus. Your rich generosity enables us to provide many with a new-found relationship with Jesus Christ all across the world every week, we also are able to provide funds for new church plants in the neediest and least-reached areas of Uganda, as well as relief and help to those in need through feeding programs administered through our churches.

You may also give online to support our missionaries. Please designate these gifts to the individual missionary family by clicking on “Add Special Instructions” and listing who the support is for.

Please feel free to explore all that Light to the Nations is involved in and give as the Lord leads.  If you would like your gift to go toward a specific area or person, please click on ”Add Special Instructions” and include a brief note of where you would like to designate the funds.  Your online gift enables us to immediately receive the gift, however, if you prefer you can mail your tax-deductible gift to the address below. Please include in the memo line if you would like to designate your donation toward a specific area or person. DONATE TO US

Light to the Nations Ministries(LITONAMI)

PO Box 14405 Kampala Uganda



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