A Revival
Today's devotional is from Life is a Goldmine Daily Devotional
"This became known all over Joppa, and many people believed in the Lord" - Acts 9:42.
A woman named Tabitha (Dorcas) was responsible for a revival in her town, not because she was an evangelist, but because she was committed to helping the poor. When she died and Peter brought her back to life, her notoriety increased and people took notice of what God had done for and through her. This caused them to put their faith in Christ even though she never preached or said a word. She fulfilled her purpose, God helped her in her time of need, and used her life and story to draw people to Him.
Is your purpose commitment such that others notice? Do you preach the gospel, so to speak, without using words? Are you impacting the world through the fruit of your labors?
Lord, I regularly come in contact with people in person or through technology. I pray I will radiate Your glory when I do and part of that will be fulfilling my purpose. Help me impact others so they may take notice and realize it is You who are directing and energizing me. And let my daily witness help lead others to the same faith in You that I have.