REVIT PRO TIPS - Managing Revit Content Across Volumes Efficiently

REVIT PRO TIPS - Managing Revit Content Across Volumes Efficiently

No Need to Use the Stick!

Keeping content consistent across projects with multiple volumes can be very challenging.

Read on to see how we stay in control and avoid feeling like the big stick needs to come out to play …and keep the big stick in the cupboard.

Staying in Control

1. MonkeyFlow Strategy

The MonkeyFlow strategy is to use a project specific warehouse or showroom file to store all content.

Users place, then modify and retrieve all required content from this file and push into the project models.

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2. The Project Specific Warehouse File

This file is a central repository to store the content.

Organise the file so data can be clearly viewed and is easy to retrieve.

Consider adding warehouse specific tags so important information within families can be viewed when browsing.

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3. Methods for Pushing Data into the Project Files

Copy / Paste can be used however it can duplicate elements and add suffixes to family names.

The Revit Transfer Project Standards tool is effective, but it transfers the complete category which could be problematic.

Our preferred option is using the MonkeyFlow BIMflow tools as shown (but we would say that) which allows the transfer of individual System and Loadable families.

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Alternatively, the addin TranferSingle allows single items to be transferred and works brilliantly, it can be found here:

TransferSingle | Revit | Autodesk App Store

Also keep an eye out for the new productivity bundle DiStem from the brilliant DiRoots guys.

A tool called Project Transfer is to be added shortly which we are hoping will work great with this workflow and can be found here:

DiStem Bundle for Autodesk Revit - productivity Revit Plugins by DiRoots

4. Educate the Team

This system will fail if the users do not keep to the rules:

-?New content must be added to the project warehouse

-?Edits to content must be made in the project warehouse

-?All edits to content must be pushed out to all project volumes immediately

Failure to comply and the stick will appear.

Spend time with the team making sure they understand the workflow and are fully on board. Ensuring coworkers buy in and completely understand is critical.


We are developers of BIM and CAD add-ins, bespoke applications and Revit Templates

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For further information:



[email protected]

Jose Oliveira

Founder CEO @ DiRoots | Digital Solutions Provider

1 年

Thanks for mentioning DiRoots in the article. FYI, the new #ProjectTransfer tool, part of the #DiStem bundle for Autodesk Revit, is already available!



