Revit Pro Tips - CAD Linking into Revit Part 1
MonkeyFlow are developers of Revit, AutoCAD and BricsCAD applications. We simplify software and boost efficiency.
It is well documented that mixing CAD data with Revit can be problematic and there are many online resources explaining best practices.
These tips, however, cover the points not normally mentioned.
1. Using Auto-Detect for Import Units
Ever wondered why the Import Units > Auto-Detect option doesn’t work as intended when CAD linking data into Revit?
It’s tied to the AutoCAD variable MEASUREMENT. When using mm in AutoCAD and Revit, ensure the AutoCAD drawing to be linked has MEASUREMENT set to 1 (as shown below) to ensure the link is correctly scaled using Auto-Detect.
2. Displaying Hatch from CAD Links
Avoid using dense hatch in AutoCAD to prevent Revit displaying it as solid.
Revit has a threshold for hatch density from DWG’s, too dense and Revit will display it as solid fill.
Should this happen increase the hatch scale in AutoCAD and reload in Revit - find the threshold and stick to it.
3. Avoid Using Xclips CAD Linking into Revit?
AutoCAD Xclips are great for masking items, but Revit doesn’t recognise them – be mindful when linking DWG’s that contain Xclips
4. Some Golden Rules
Always try to insert CAD data using CAD Links and not CAD Import to avoid unnecessary problems such as increased file sizes.
Should you need to use CAD Import never explode. If this is unavoidable create a ‘quarantine’ type file to access the necessary data, convert to Revit lines and then transfer to the model.
For total separation consider inserting all CAD data into a dedicated RVT file and linking into project Revit files. Doing this will keep problem data isolated and reduce the chances of issues.