Revisiting How to Hire the Best Data Analytics Leaders: And it's not the way you think!
This is a post that I have revisited based on a well-received article from a few years back. I have updated the thinking to reflect the current market. I am finding that many of the dimensions have held up. This is a good intro article to the series I am about to put out on the practice of being in the CDAO role. Enjoy. Tony
How to Hire the Best Data Analytics Leaders: And it's not the way you think!?By Tony Branda from the Big Analytics Book, now available on Amazon.
"Data Analytics is to Management Decision Making What Meta-physics is to spirituality. They both provide laws of thinking, procedures, methods, and treatments to shine a light on the Truth. The Truth generated from analytics should help executives and government officials steer clear of bad decisions and increase the Value Senior Management brings to the firm or organization. More Value is created when executives embrace these tools and resultant facts and data are leveraged to inform decisions and judgments." Tony Branda, Analytics expert. 1/17/2016.
Most firms today use very dated behavioral interview techniques (1980s-style questions from before analytics and digital existed) to understand who might be the best leader to build, manage or restructure their analytics functions. This article points out that extant techniques may lead Senior Executives to assess and hire the wrong analytics leader. This "how to" guide may become the best friend of the hiring manager as it will assist in creating a better hiring outcome.
Common Mistakes Number 1:
?What to Do About Common Mistake Number One:
? Work with firms such as, Gartner, and Forrester or other Data Analytics Experts to develop a more specialized battery of questions that will probe traditional leadership dimensions plus Subject Matter Expertise and the ability to translate and communicate analytics insights into business strategy effectively. Consider requesting the Data Analytics leader's 360-feedback from their most recent positions (last two). 360-feedback assessments administered while in the role are a better barometer than what any reference or behavioral interview question could ascertain. Many large firms have robust assessments that they have invested in, and many can be shared.
Common Mistake Number Two:
What to Do About Common Mistake Number Two:
? The Data Analytics leader must be able to build an integrated strategic intelligence platform based on a business roadmap; this platform would include capabilities such as customer behavioral analytics, marketing research, other research skills, and the ability to interrelate competitive intelligence into their recommendations. The platform becomes the foundation that will enable Analytics to generate big Aha's and innovation on an ongoing basis rather than only occasionally.
Common Mistake Number Three:
What to Do About Common Mistake Number Three:
Ensure the Data Analytics Executive is well rounded. The Analytics or Insights executive is a crucial hire; their role is focused on solving questions and addressing challenges across various disciplines, very often at the highest levels of the organization. They need to know how to assess technology based on business owner problems and stakeholder buying.
Common Hiring Mistake Number Four:
What to Do About Common Hiring Mistake Number Four:
Ensure the data analytics leader has rotations in all aspects of data analytics. In many roles today, the analytics leader is a "C" level executive. Therefore, business knowledge, industry knowledge, and deep knowledge and experience in data analytics are essential. Some of the best analytics leaders have done rotations supporting the different product or customer types. They have come up the ranks by managing the various sub-components of analytics: Insights, modeling, BI, data science, data strategy and governance, mar tech, execution, and more. This is an essential point: each team under the Data Analytics leader will think the CDAO practice or function is all about only what they do, often saying we have everything covered when they don't. The pain points are so much broader.
Cross-industry knowledge can be helpful as it can bring a different or outside perspective. However, it is essential not to underestimate the critical Value of having a Data Analytics Executive(or at the very least the team under them) who has mastery of your own industry's data if possible. There can be some cross-overs if the role is Acting, and the first CDAO will start the function with a plan to upskill or bring industry expertise in later.
Cross-over hires can be appropriate at more junior data analytics levels. This can be problematic at the most senior level, especially when Data Analytics is expected to drive strategy and regulations for data usage are complex. The regulatory environment of the past seven years has forever changed how data can be leveraged, mainly in Financial Services (Cards, Insurance, and Banking) for customer targeting and risk management. Knowing the complexities of the data enables the Analytics Leader to abide by the regulations and mine what is permissible for opportunities to grow the business. So know that if you are keen on hiring from outside your industry, there is a cultural/fit risk. Also, one question to ask the candidates is about the speed or velocity at which projects and changes happen at the company they are at now versus your company. How a tech company gets things done may be very different from a book publisher or a bank, for example.
Common Hiring Mistake Number Five:
?What to Do About Hiring Mistake Number Five:
Ensure the leader reports to the right "C" level executive at the organization's top or within the line of business. For example, if the role is for a line of business, the ideal reporting structure is to have the analytics leader provide facts and data to help with decision-making for the head of the company. The perfect state is for Data Analytics to report at the highest levels of the organization, quite possibly as a trusted advisor to the CEO, COO, Business President, or CMO to help executives make the best decisions based on all that data analytics has to offer. Generally, Data Analytics functions are about looking for opportunities and not only for cost savings. The investments executives make in analytics can be returned tenfold. Hence, we recommend that the Data Analytics leaders not report to functions that are only support or cost containment types of roles. Roles such as the CTO, Chiefs of Staff, or other Chief Administrative functions, which tend to be more support or shared services, only emphasize the cost or defensive aspects of the role and note the business uplift. Data Analytics leaders and functions need to be where they can best inform strategy and drive growth and competitive advantage. (While we acknowledge that there are many different ways to organize, we suggest this as a barometer.)
More and more, I am seeing that the CDAO role is reporting to the CIO role, and people are asking me if I think that is a good thing. It will depend on the focus they have on the CDO/CDAO. If it is purely data, it will be a challenging ride for everyone, and we will explain why in subsequent posts). Also, one thing I can say about reporting to the CIO if the CIO is also the COO, as is the case in many organizations, can be helpful from an investment point of view. Still, it depends on the level of budgetary authority of the CIO and if they can genuinely champion the role throughout the business.
In closing, Data Analytics is an evolving field and is finally coming to its right within organizations; therefore, hiring a data analytics leader requires special care and attention and goes beyond general management behavioral interviewing in favor of a more robust integrated approach. It is vitally essential for the hiring manager to make sure that HR, recruiters, and all team members involved in the hiring decision understand the phenomenon discussed in this article. Data Analytics leaders(Truly a multidisciplinary role) should be assessed on leadership dimensions, subject matter experience, rotations, and industry contacts and knowledge. This article's Point of View hopes to open up further debate on hiring the data analytics executive while maintaining that the traditional way for this newer, more technology and knowledge-driven field may no longer produce the best hiring outcome.