Revising for a test!
A good production-ready app needs good, solid unit tests, and with Enzyme on the way out in the React world (as it is seemingly no longer being updated to keep up with React version 18), I felt now was a good time to revise and expand upon my existing Jest, Enzyme and React Testing Library knowledge. To this end, I found that Bonnie Schulkin has an excellent range of Udemy courses focused on testing and testing strategies/methodologies – so I've finished four of them!
I found the first course to be useful in determining how best to refactor existing test suites reliant on Enzyme, whilst the other courses provided useful insight into handling common errors, best practices for determining the focus of a test suite, and then useful ways to work in parallel with End-to-End testing options like Cypress. There are some example projects available to browse on my GitHub portfolio, and I can recommend checking these courses out for yourself!