revised article on pupil

pupil is the window of eye rhrough which an ophrhalmologist is able to diagnose so many ophthalmic disorders say for example we have to explore fundii we dilate the pipils and explore the fudii ib cases of d m hypertension and so many medicaly related poblems a ophthalmologist looks into pupils in terms of 1 size 2 shape 3 pupillary reaction 1 we get very small pupils in 1 blut trauma causind tr miosis 2 miotics like pilocarpine cor eserine produces small pupol in opium addicts have small pupils 3 pontine heamarghe 4 horners syndrome mmiosis ptosis and anhydrosis 5 a r p in beurisyphlis 6 adies pupil 22 shape anisokoria irregular pupil due to post synekia 2 feston or heart shaped pupil due to annular post synekia in cases of ch iridocylits pseu doexfoliation like material is seen along pupillary margin in pseuo do exf glaucoma cong polycoria tr mydriasisis tr poly coria one can have an oblong pupil or eccentric pupil post intra ocular surgery mydriasis due to drugs 111 pupollary reaction ill sustained or rapd is seen in retrobolbar neurits and tollosa hunt sydrome


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