?? Reviewing Your Retirement Plan ??
Jan van der Westhuizen
Empowering People to Master Their Money | Financial Planner | Debt Elimination & Wealth Building | Helping Clients Achieve Financial Freedom
Retirement plans can change quickly based on life events or events beyond your control—such as swings in the market or the overall economy. It is essential to periodically review every part of your retirement plan to ensure it stays on track. Here are some key factors to consider when evaluating your retirement plan:
1?? Timing: Financial professionals have varying opinions on how often you should review your retirement plan, but most agree that you should not "set it and forget it." ? While the most common advice is to review your plan every year, major life changes should also trigger a review. Whether it's a new job, having a child, or any other occurrence that could significantly shift your finances, take another look at your retirement plan to ensure you're still on track.
2?? Seek Professional Guidance: Consider reviewing your retirement plan with the help of a financial planner. Retirement plans can seem daunting, overwhelming, and stressful, but scheduling a yearly review with a professional can provide you with peace of mind and help you make informed decisions. ??
3?? Keep Investments on Track: Markets fluctuate constantly, which can impact your retirement plan. Building a diversified portfolio with a mix of assets that historically don't fluctuate in the same directions may help your retirement plan ride out market swings. Analysing your plan with a financial professional can help you determine if your investments are still suitable for your personal and financial circumstances and whether you need to make adjustments. ??
4?? Protect Your Income Now and in Retirement: Consider life insurance to guarantee income replacement in case something happens to you. Periodic reviews allow you to make changes efficiently and maximize coverage and savings on premiums. It's also crucial to keep up with retirement records from your employer to ensure you receive the correct amount of retirement benefits. ??
5?? Maximize Tax-Efficiency: Minimizing taxes is crucial for maximizing your retirement savings. Take advantage of retirement plans such as retirement annuities and tax free savings accounts that offer tax rebates and tax free growth. Additionally, work with a financial planner to optimise your investments' tax efficiency by placing taxable investments into tax-deferred accounts and vice versa. ??
6?? Consider Your Family's Needs: Review your retirement plan annually to adjust it to changes in your family's needs. Major life changes such as new children, college savings, health care decisions, and estate planning should be factored into your strategy. ?? ?? ?? ??
In addition to routine reviews, there are specific instances where revising your retirement plan is essential. Life events, lifestyle choices, market fluctuations, economic factors, end-of-life considerations, and changes in your retirement age goal may all require adjustments to your plan.
Remember, your retirement plan is not set in stone. It's crucial to regularly evaluate and adjust it to align with your goals and changing circumstances. By taking proactive steps to review your retirement plan, you can stay on track and make your retirement a reality. ????????
[Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Consult with a qualified professional to tailor a plan that suits your specific situation.] ????