Reviewing and Improving Safety Performance Using SWOT Analysis.
SWOT Analysis - Improve Safety

Reviewing and Improving Safety Performance Using SWOT Analysis.

The safety of employees and stakeholders is crucial for any organization. Every company wants to ensure the safety of its employees and stakeholders as it is a legal and moral obligation. To improve the safety performance of an organization, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. One such analysis is the SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis is a tool used to identify the internal and external factors that can impact the organization's performance. In this article, we will explore how SWOT analysis can be used to review and improve safety performance.

What is SWOT Analysis?

SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to identify an organization's internal and external factors that can impact its performance. The SWOT analysis stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Strengths and weaknesses refer to the internal factors of the organization, while opportunities and threats refer to the external factors. SWOT analysis is a versatile tool used in various fields, including business, healthcare, education, and safety management.

How SWOT Analysis Can be Used to Review and Improve Safety Performance?

SWOT analysis can be an effective tool for reviewing and improving safety performance. Below are the steps to conduct a SWOT analysis to review and improve safety performance:

Step 1: Define the Objective

The first step is to define the objective of the SWOT analysis. The objective should be specific and measurable.

For example, the objective can be to reduce workplace accidents by 20% in the next year.        

Step 2: Identify the Internal Factors (Strengths and Weaknesses)

The next step is to identify the internal factors that can impact safety performance. These can be strengths and weaknesses. Strengths are the internal factors that give the organization an advantage, while weaknesses are the internal factors that put the organization at a disadvantage.

For example, the organization's strengths can be a well-trained workforce, a robust safety program, and a safety culture. The weaknesses can be inadequate safety training, lack of resources for safety programs, and outdated safety policies.        

Step 3: Identify the External Factors (Opportunities and Threats)

The next step is to identify the external factors that can impact safety performance. These can be opportunities and threats. Opportunities are the external factors that can benefit the organization, while threats are the external factors that can harm the organization.

For example, opportunities can be new safety technologies, government incentives for safety programs, and increasing awareness about safety among stakeholders. Threats can be increasing competition, changing regulations, and natural disasters.        

Step 4: Analyze the SWOT Matrix

The SWOT matrix is a visual representation of the internal and external factors identified in steps two and three. The matrix has four quadrants, one for each of the four components of SWOT analysis. The strengths and opportunities quadrant highlights the areas where the organization can leverage its strengths to take advantage of opportunities. The weaknesses and opportunities quadrant highlights the areas where the organization needs to improve its weaknesses to take advantage of opportunities. The strengths and threats quadrant highlights the areas where the organization can leverage its strengths to mitigate threats. Finally, the weaknesses and threats quadrant highlights the areas where the organization needs to improve its weaknesses to mitigate threats.

Step 5: Develop an Action Plan

The final step is to develop an action plan based on the SWOT analysis. The action plan should include specific goals, timelines, responsible persons, and resources required to achieve the goals. The action plan should address the weaknesses identified in the weaknesses and opportunities quadrant and the weaknesses and threats quadrant. The action plan should also leverage the strengths identified in the strengths and opportunities quadrant and the strengths and threats quadrant.

SWOT analysis is a powerful tool that can be used to review and improve safety performance. It can help organizations identify their

Example - Let's consider an example of how SWOT analysis can be used to review and improve safety performance in a manufacturing company.

Step 1: Define the Objective

The objective is to reduce workplace accidents by 20% in the next year.

Step 2: Identify the Internal Factors (Strengths and Weaknesses)


  • Well-trained workforce
  • Robust safety program
  • Safety culture


  • Inadequate safety training for new employees
  • Lack of resources for safety programs
  • Outdated safety policies

Step 3: Identify the External Factors (Opportunities and Threats)


  • New safety technologies
  • Government incentives for safety programs
  • Increasing awareness about safety among stakeholders


  • Increasing competition
  • Changing regulations
  • Natural disasters

Step 4: Analyze the SWOT Matrix

Strengths | Opportunities: The company can leverage its well-trained workforce and safety culture to take advantage of new safety technologies and government incentives for safety programs.

Weaknesses | Opportunities: The company needs to address its weaknesses by providing adequate safety training for new employees, allocating more resources for safety programs, and updating safety policies to take advantage of the opportunities.

Strengths | Threats: The company can leverage its well-trained workforce and safety culture to mitigate the impact of increasing competition, changing regulations, and natural disasters.

Weaknesses | Threats: The company needs to improve its weaknesses to mitigate the impact of increasing competition, changing regulations, and natural disasters by providing adequate safety training for new employees, allocating more resources for safety programs, and updating safety policies.

Step 5: Develop an Action Plan

Based on the SWOT analysis, the company can develop an action plan that includes the following goals, timelines, responsible persons, and resources required to achieve the goals:

  • Goal: Provide adequate safety training for new employees
  • Timeline: 3 months
  • Responsible person: HR department
  • Resources required: Training materials, trainers, training room
  • Goal: Allocate more resources for safety programs
  • Timeline: 6 months
  • Responsible person: Safety department
  • Resources required: Budget, safety equipment, safety software
  • Goal: Update safety policies
  • Timeline: 6 months
  • Responsible person: Safety department
  • Resources required: Legal consultation, safety policy templates
  • Goal: Implement new safety technologies
  • Timeline: 12 months
  • Responsible person: Safety department
  • Resources required: Research and development, budget for purchase and implementation, training for employees
  • Goal: Increase safety awareness among stakeholders
  • Timeline: Ongoing
  • Responsible person: Marketing and communication department
  • Resources required: Marketing materials, safety campaigns, safety workshops for stakeholders

By implementing this action plan, the manufacturing company can improve its safety performance and reduce workplace accidents by 20% in the next year.

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Benefit of using SWOT analysis for improving safety performance

SWOT analysis is a valuable tool for reviewing and improving safety performance in any organization. Here are some benefits of using SWOT analysis for safety performance:

  1. Helps to identify and prioritize safety issues: SWOT analysis helps to identify and prioritize the key safety issues within an organization. By analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, the organization can focus its efforts on the most important areas for improvement.
  2. Provides a comprehensive view of the safety performance: SWOT analysis takes into account both internal and external factors that can impact the safety performance of an organization. This provides a more comprehensive view of the safety performance and helps to identify the root causes of safety problems.
  3. Encourages collaboration and participation: SWOT analysis involves the participation of different stakeholders, such as employees, managers, and safety professionals. This encourages collaboration and engagement among the stakeholders, leading to a more effective and inclusive safety program.
  4. Facilitates strategic planning: SWOT analysis helps to identify the strengths and opportunities that can be leveraged and the weaknesses and threats that need to be addressed. This information can be used to develop a strategic plan for improving the safety performance of the organization.
  5. Promotes continuous improvement: SWOT analysis is an ongoing process that can be used to continuously monitor and improve the safety performance of an organization. By regularly reviewing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, the organization can identify new areas for improvement and make adjustments to its safety program.

To summarise, SWOT analysis is a useful tool for reviewing and improving safety performance in any organization. It helps to identify and prioritize safety issues, provides a comprehensive view of the safety performance, encourages collaboration and participation, facilitates strategic planning, and promotes continuous improvement. By using SWOT analysis, organizations can create a safer and healthier work environment for their employees and stakeholders.

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