Review tools in Lexel

Review tools in Lexel

Review tools in Lexel help legal professionals analyse cases and prepare for better trial outcomes.? Our review tools were built for team collaboration and designed for high productivity and ease of use. ?

Users make annotation notes on key portions of a transcript or an evidence document, add associated issue tags, and share with their team members for review and inputs. AV clips are automatically generated when markings are created on media transcripts. Such clips can be readily utilized during trial presentation. Users can create “Quick Marks” during a deposition session, which can be reviewed and further updated with additional notes.

Cross-references can be built by users among evidence documents to create a web of relationships within their content. Lexel automatically creates hyperlinks wherever documents are referred.?

Facts and timelines can be identified and analysed collaboratively. Tabular views with sorting and filtering options help in locating critical facts within the context of evidence material.?

Lexel has a full-fledged designations module which is used to identify key evidence from witness statements. Objections and counter designations from other parties can also be reviewed and analysed by a legal team.?

In addition to collaboration within the context of a marking, users can communicate with each other using the in-built messaging module. Users can share and refer to documents and markings during their chat sessions.?

Review tools are designed to be easily accessible, most often within a single click. Recently created or updated markings from other team members are readily available. The entire feature set is built for efficiency and ease of use.?

As a case progresses from pretrial to trial phases and in due course to the appeals stage, markings made on transcripts and evidence documents using the review tools of Lexel can be of great assistance to a legal team. Users can quickly review?key issues and related analysis of case using the reports functionality. The work completed by a paralegal or a lawyer is readily available for further analysis by new members and expert consultants of a legal team

The user interface of Lexel provides a cohesive and integrated set of review tools for case analysis and trial preparation. Review tools of Lexel are flexible to support dynamic nature of cases and trial process.?

Attorneys, Judges and Paralegals can easily navigate among huge number of documents and collaboratively generate work products that help develop winning trial strategy.?



