Review- "Tarquin Jenkins And The Book Of Dreams"
Smartly crafted with freshness and fluidity.
On a to and fro journey through time in past and future author Peter W. Ford takes his readers through thrilling yet wondrous adventures ventured by a teenage boy ‘Tarquin Jenkins’ who is on an outlook for book of dreams, through the clues left for him to discover by his missing time travelling parents for destroying a powerful and dangerous amulet.
Smartly crafted with freshness and fluidity ‘Tarquin Jenkins And The Book of Dreams’ is a delightful fantasy fiction that whisks readers immediately into a highly imaginative fanciful time travel tale full of amazing well thought out creatures and believable characters. Unfolding a gripping read full of grit and action author has penned a glittering tale with exquisite imagination and intricate narrative that has a bit of everything which makes it well rounded and will appeal to readers of many genre.
With characters that felt real and showed complex ideas as they tried to overcome adversity ‘Tarquin Jenkins And The Book of Dreams’ is a strong well written with enough fantasy to satisfy most or any fan of the genre. Highly recommended for young readers.
The original review was posted 6 October 2016