Review: React Anti-Patterns by Juntao Qiu
I recently had the privilege of reviewing 邱俊涛 's book on React Anti-Patterns. For developers with some front-end experience, diving into React feels like a fascinating journey, reminiscent of Alice's adventures in Wonderland. Every page can be decomposed into components, components can have a state, and they can manage their own side effects, JSX is powerful, and with the aid of powerful hooks for managing context, reducers, and composition, we can feel like there is nothing we cannot achieve within our web application.
However, this freedom has its price. Learning the basics of React might be straightforward, but mastering its proper use is another challenge. The framework's flexible philosophy and simplicity, along with its vast capabilities and multiple ways to achieve the same result, can and often lead to a lot of suboptimal and poorly written code.
As Qiu points out in the preface, building front-end applications is complex. Developers must juggle asynchronous network requests, accessibility, app performance, state management, and more, which makes it easy to lose one's way.
Qiu's book is a much-needed guide for the React community. It navigates through the challenges of React development, offering a map of common pitfalls and, most importantly, practical advice on how to avoid them. Starting with React fundamentals and their development implications, the book quickly moves to crucial topics like project structuring—a treasure chest for those new to React.
The book continues with principles for designing React applications, such as single responsibility and composition, and provides detailed guidance on testing. It also focuses on state management and layered architecture, crucial for larger projects, and concludes with an illustrative end-to-end project.
A summary of anti-patterns in the final chapter serves as a valuable checklist and reference and could be kept as a cheat-sheet on a table at all times. While there are many books teaching React, Qiu's work uniquely bridges the gap from understanding React's functionality to its effective application. I'm grateful for the opportunity to read this insightful book and anticipate revisiting it several times.
The book is available on Amazon and on Packt: