Review of PowTechnology 's First Half of 2023
Dave Oakes
Experienced CEO Helping Customers Drive Organisational Efficiencies Through IIoT Digital Transformation Solutions
Firstly, its our first year operating as PowTechnology! The?name change ?was the icing on the cake, consolidating an exciting period of growth, restructure, investment and diversification. We felt that PowTechnology better represents our capabilities as an organisation, whilst maintaining the ‘POW’ element of our name, as a link to over 30 years of company heritage.
This time last year, we were all still emerging from Covid-related business challenges. Whilst we can’t say that everything is back to business as usual, Covid did highlight the benefits of remote monitoring to many historically cautious industrial sectors.
Pre-Covid we encountered reluctance in some industries to embrace the IIoT due to perceived entry costs and payback time. PowTechnology has been exceptionally well-placed to counter these concerns. Our?digital transformation ?kit is user-friendly, proven, affordable and, importantly, it has been designed to be modular and highly scalable.
That has meant that PowTechnology could offer IoT newcomers off-the-shelf, ‘plug n play’ solutions, from one system, as a first step towards their digital transformation, through to an international estate of connected assets.
We have seen the benefits of heavy investment in R&D, collaborating with academia to embrace cutting-edge technologies and enjoying the diverse skill set of an experienced, rapidly expanding internal Development Team.
This combination of modular development, in-house expertise and the embrace of new technologies has given us a unique agility! It means we have developed many more application-specific IIoT solutions with minimal development costs, creating proofs of concept within a few months, where others may have taken years.
These strategies have created success for PowTechnology. We’ve just had our best half year ever and we’re on track for our best year.
Fundamentally, this success is built on our genuine expertise and practical experience. We have helped customers lower operational costs, monitor the condition of essential kit to?prevent breakdown ,?maximise resource ,?comply with legislation ,?introduce new revenue streams ,?improve service ?and?differentiate themselves to win contracts .
Our technology also benefits?almost any business, including?chemicals ,?cryogas ,?pharmaceuticals ,?fuels ,?Adblue ,?waste ,?recycling ,?agriculture ,?environment ,?utilities ,?pumping ,?rail ,?construction ?and?security .
Our case studies page bears testament to our wealth of sector and application knowledge, with over thirty case studies. They include household names and multinationals, such as?GreenChem ,?United Utilities ,?Royal Mail ,?RSPB ,?Cemex ,?Fuchs Lubricants ?and?Speedy .
I’m also delighted that we have been recognised by industry organisations. PowTechnology was recently highlighted as?Industry Update Magazine’s Company Of The Month . We have also been nominated for the ‘Digital Transformation Award’ in this year’s ‘Instrumentation Excellence Awards’ , having previously been a finalist in the ‘IIoT Product of the Year’ category with our ground-breaking range of?Metron4 ?4G-enabled GSM/GPRS telemetry hardware. (You can vote for us?here . We are at the top of the second page!)
I’m excited about the rest of 2023. We continue to expand, most recently within our Sales and Production Departments and we have new some really exciting new technology and partnerships to launch in the second half of this year.
As always, we welcome your application enquiries and will do our very best to offer a reliable, fit-to-purpose IIoT solutions together with user-friendly installation and outstanding technical support.
What can PowTechnology do for you?
Please browse our web site and get in touch with any queries you have or applications you would like to discuss.? +44 1827 310 666? ?or use this contact form .
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