I will admit that I have missed "Mission: Impossible 4 thru 6 (Ghost Protocol, Rogue Nation, and Fallout.) in the theater. Then I have seen "Top Gun: Maverick" and was blown away by it (Thank you, Tom Cruise and Paramount Pictures!). He truly did save the Summer of 2022 Movies. And respect. Great to be back in a movie theater with that iconic them blaring in Dolby Digital 7.1 sound (Wish I got to see this in 4K with Dolby Atmos and I almost did with "Indiana Jones" Thank God I didn't!). From the get go were in it as the Russians test a new defense program called the Entity it's a white knuckle prologue and just one of many incredible action sequences and was feeling was of wow!
If this is or is not Tom Cruise's swan song to this almost 30-year-old franchise so be it. Tom Cruise is the man. Here get help with a thief played by Haley Atwell (Funny and fresh.), a madman who has a point and great with knives in Esai Morales (Welcome back!) and scene-stealing chick Mantis for the "Guardians Of the Galaxy Trilogy"! Also back on the mission is Ving Rhames, Simon Pegg, and Rebecca Ferguson. Blast from the past is Henry Czerny as Kittridge from the first Mission Impossible film. Returning is writer and director Christopher McQuarrie (Hope he doesn't fall into the Bryan Singer syndrome of just directing X-men films.) and turning out to be a very good action director (Who knew after seeing the "The Way Of The Gun"). Love about this Mission Impossible is that it found not take itself so seriously and has a little fun and that it never wastes its time (Thanks to editor Eddie Hamilton!) and you will be entertained right to the end!
Now the big question should they stop after Part Two and go out with a bang or do just one more (Tom Cruise got some crazy stunt that he's been holding out for "Mission: Impossible 8".) If they do how about bringing back director Brian DePalma (He hasn't done a sequel to one of his films!) or it is really daring to hire Hong Kong Action star and director Jackie Chan! As for Tom Cruise what did he follows after the mega success of "Top Gun: Maverick" and "Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning"? How about a legacy sequel to "Jerry Maguire" or "The Firm" Or use his powers and give the fans a re-release of Ridley Scott's director cut of "Legend" (Pretty please with sugar on top!). Anybody looking for a good time, and one that puts the other two-parters "Spider-Man" and "Fast X" to shame is to accept this mission! You won't be disappointed!
Fisherking James Movieblog
July 19, 2023.
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