Review on Masha Sebova Travel Blog in Kyiv
Mila Kunych
Director of studies at Green Academy Australia, mentor teacher and IELTS coach ?? one-on-one consultations for English teachers who want to transition into adult exam prep ??
Video reels for tourists are quite ubiquitous on YouTube. But the one that struck a chord with me is by Masha Sebova. To such an extent was it beneficial that even my friend Olga appreciated the blog. I said "even" because Olga works in excursion business being an authority on the subject.
According to the comments, this showreel is well-liked. In relation to my plans, it inspired me to devise my own itinerary for the next stroll around Kyiv. In fact, having lived in Kyiv for over two years, our family has been undertaking to explore its vast expanses. Yet we have barely familiarized ourselves with sight staples. Furthermore, it’s particularly difficult for a novice city-dweller to uncover amazing but uncharted places. However, I take the view that it’s plausible provided that a newcomer makes a genuine effort.
Thanks to Masha, I have compelling evidence that in Kyiv you can please the eye as well as the palate. In her blog, Masha brought to light the fact that there are numerous cafes of unsurpassable quality. For instance, there’s a slim chance you imply criticism if you visit “Yaroslavna” and savour their pies. Masha states unless you try borsch in “Borsch”, you can’t pass judgement on Ukrainian cuisine whatsoever. Every diner she attended has a characteristic all of its own, and Masha applied strongly worded argument to promote each place.
But don’t think that I only favour culinary tourism while spiritual spots are no longer of interest to me. In all probability, you won’t take exception to the project “Shukai” which is a quest for ten hidden mini-sculptures scattered around Kyiv. It stands to reason that you’ll be awestruck by the panorama of Kyiv from the top of the Motherland monument. Finally, a must-do is to show up in an open terrace of Tsum at night time. Breathtaking experience is a foregone conclusion.
As you see, I’m not going to leave my joy of life to random factors. To back up words with deeds, next weekend I’m setting out on a long walk. I hope my review sparked some interest in you. I invite you to visit Kyiv. Certainly, your mundane problems will take second place once you see its beauty.
P.S. Unfortunately, the blog per se is in Russian, but I assume you can use my review and do further research: Masha's blog Part 1
Part 2