A Review of "Insights on the Brink" by Brett Townsend and Tim Hoskins
Yvonne Brouwers CAIP CMC MBA, Illumina Research Partners
Passionate about delivering business impact through the intersection of research, analytics, insights and collaboration.
When I read a book that educates and inspires business success, I have to share it with other people. Today, that book is by Brett Townsend and Tim Hoskins and is called, “Insights on the Brink: Revitalizing the Market Research and Analytics Industry.” The struggle it addresses is summarized with this quote:“
Consumer insights is, almost without exception, classified as nonworking dollars, meaning that we’re considered a cost center instead of a revenue-generating part of the business. So from the get-go, we’re fighting an uphill battle to prove our value.”
Many of the concepts resonated deeply with my real-world experience, deeply held beliefs, and lifelong passion.
Research insights, analytics, and collaboration are the foundation for driving business impact. We hold the key to unlocking opportunities for change, growth, and transformation—yet we often resist the changes needed to fully unleash that potential.
Insights on the Brink challenges the traditional mindsets and practices of our industry, urging us to rethink how we approach our work. It offers fresh ideas and innovative methods that help us achieve the meaningful impact we strive for but don’t always attain.
Here are a few excerpts that truly resonated with me. Every time I re-read them, I find myself internally shouting, "YES! This is spot on!"
I invite you to get the book and discover how it inspires new thinking and actions that can make a real difference for you!Kudos to Brett Townsend and Tim Hoskins for this remarkable book!