REVIEW - ‘The Hungry Bird’
An inspiring moral story
‘The Hungry Bird’ by author M. Siddiqui is a short tale of a bird and its success through difficult phase of life by motivational teaching by its mother turning the book into an outstanding moral story specially for children.
Author M. Siddiqui has used simple language and words to convey a message that is larger than life. ‘The Hungry Bird’is a fast paced, flawless little read w
hich is bound to make its readers look forward for more small moral stories compiled in a single book from this promising writer who is very much blessed with a talent to captivate the little budding minds.
I’d also like to suggest the author to add a few colorful pictures to his next write ups in order to provide a well imagined visualistic dimension to the little minds.
Last but not the least I would love to recommend this motivating and inspiring book to all kids who love to read and for those who cant read because
‘The Hungry Bird’ is sure to make a perfect bed time story.
The original review was Posted on 22 December 2015 here