Review of ChildsPlay

Review of ChildsPlay

 Author: Gerry Kennedy (c) 2019

Note: Versions are available for: GNU/Linux and MS Windows ME/2000/XP/Windows 7, 8 and 10 and MAC OS

Childsplay’ is a suite of educational games for young children. Childsplay uses a ‘plugin’ system for the games, so users can go to the Childsplayplug-ins page and check for any new additions to the program. 

In the original program there aretwo built-in games: memory and a typing game. In the version that I downloaded, there are 14 activities. Childsplay and the plug-ins are Open Source based applications and have been tested on GNU/Linux, MAC OS and the MS Windows platforms. A description of the software from the author follows:

What is Childsplay? The aim of childsplay is to provide a collection (i.e. a suite) of educational games for children. The games should be suitable for children of all ages, so games with violence, monsters or the idea that shooting people and animals is fun would never become part of childsplay. 

Childsplay is ideal for children learning in schools and aimed at children from 3-8 years old. The priority is in school use so the ability to be used in a network of thin clients and/or old computers as well as handling multiple users is very important. Also the games should be simple to use without all sorts of questions or options, the aim is that children can play these games without supervision. 

                        ( Sourced from:

Childsplay is a wonderful program that has great possibilities for students in early years and/or with individual needs. It can be used in Early Learning Centres, kindergartens and Schools, as it is free to use, copy and install. Parents can therefore use it at home as well. 

The activities are easy to learn and master. The design of each activity varies but all conform to good design practice with clear, colourful, appropriate large child-friendly graphics. The quality and clever use of sound files is evident in the activities. It is an engaging suite of activities. 


The activities are predominantly accessed with a pointing device (e.g. mouse, trackballjoystick,touch windowand ideal for classrooms using Interactive Whiteboards. Some activities require a keyboard (standard, onscreen (e.g. Click n’ Type), MS Windows onscreen tool, virtual or programmable model). 

Some students would thoroughly enjoy BigKeys LX(four coloured models) or Clevy2or Large Keyswith our without an overlay or key guard. Special keyboards for children who are vision impaired are also available from various dealers. One of the best (and cheapest) is the black keyboard with large white letters – Large Print Keyboard. All of these keyboards suit all children in the early years. 

The program icons are consistently positioned on screen and access to the Stopand Informationicons is very apparent and intuitive. The program runs in full screen mode. The student needs to click on Stopto complete an activity (a very large red button icon placed at the bottom right of every program). Clicking on Stopagain in the menu screen prompts the student with a Yes/Nodecision. Clicking “Y” will stop the program with “N” returning to the menu screen.


Numbers:        Children need to put the correct operator between two numbers. Balloons appear on screen. They move into place and reveal a maths problem. The student must evaluate the product and choose the appropriate operation (i.e. add, subtract, multiply or divide sign). The student clicks on the sign in order to complete the problem.

SoundNPic        This is a delightful game for younger children with picture and sounds. It has wonderful graphics and engaging sounds. Students simply click on a picture. It moves up and spins and a sound is heard. Current pictures include animals such as a pig, tiger, sheep, chicken, cow, frog and elephant. 

Packid        This is a simple but cleverly executed Pac-man game. The user must move up, down, left and right (or NSEW) in order to move the Pac-man to capture (or eat!) letters in order to spell a target word. The word is displayed at the top of the grid. There are three levels withy three words in each level to spell correctly (with 2 mistakes per level allowable). The fourth level is a reward game. Children move the Pac-man using the 4 direction arrows on the keyboard or virtual keyboard onscreen.

Sound Memory        This is based on the popular classic memory game format where the user reveals a card in order to match a corresponding card. The aim in this activity is to match a sound.

Findsound        The user listens to a sound. Then the image is matched correctly to the sound.

Findsound2        The same as Findsound, but with letters of the alphabet and numbers 1-10. This is an ideal activity for young children learning their letters and numbers. The targets are jumbled each time you renegotiate the game.

Pong        This is based on the popular version of Pong. Users can play against the computer or against another user. 

Billiards        The user needs to hit the billiard ball towards the hole. The user clicks with his/her pointing device at the back of the ball (at an angle) to play the ball forwards towards the hole.

MultiTables        This is a drill and practice program where students can learn their tables. There are two levels. The first level offers tables from 1 to 10. The second level is an activity with 50 exercises to be completed over 8 minutes. Use of the keyboard is required.

Puzzle        Four image parts need to be dragged across to a puzzle grid and the image reconstructed. If a piece is incorrectly moved into the wrong position, it bounces back. Use of a pointing device is required.

Letter Flashcard        A lovely activity where users learn the beginning letter of words by pressing on letters on the keyboard or two direction ‘hands’ at the top of the screen display.

Note: Some of the games use localised speech sound files. Parents and educators can check the download section on the web site if they need a language other than Standard English. 

Potential Audience

Childsplay provides a number of engaging activities that predominantly cater to young children, as it is so intuitive and easy to navigate. Children from ages 2 to 6 will quickly master the program. They also cater to children with SEN.

The sound files are excellent and well chosen. Use of noise cancelling headphones or high quality speakers will provide for hours of enjoyment. Most of the activities are based on educational concept building so it will serve early years educators well. Parents will also discover Childsplay will be greeted enthusiastically with youngsters at home.

The program has a help file in all activities that provides background information, directions, how to play the activity, the number of levels or modules and age requirements. In some activities, students score points. These are described as small penguins, and are displayed on the status bar area at the bottom of the display. Software from Open Source sites is free to share, download, install and use. Be careful of that site you use as some try to trick the user into downloading something not required, or malware.

Author: Gerry Kennedy ? July 2019 AT Advisory Services

Note: All screen dumps and graphics Copyright are held with the developer of ChildsPlay.


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