A Review: Beyond Eureka - The Rocky Roads To Innovating: Marylène Delbourg-Delphis latest book.

I haven’t had such pleasure devouring a business book since I read Peter Drucker’s The Practice of Management… five decades ago. The business book genre often leads to frustrating experiences: chest-pounding CEOs, mountebanks peddling surefire recipes, haruspices predicting the next catastrophe. No such fallacies in Marylène Delbourg-Delphis’ opus. It is an ambitious, immensely erudite and yet happily readable exploration best announced by the book’s subtitle: The Rocky Roads To Innovations, note the plural.

[If you wonder if Beyond Eureka is worth your time, please turn to the book’s Introduction that includes a helpful How To Use This Book section on page 13.]

Helpfully, the expedition starts with a much-needed explanation of the difference between inventing and innovating. Examples abound: Tesla invented much but failed to innovate while Ford didn’t invent the automobile but innovated its manufacturing processes; Eastman began by combining both invention and innovation, only to fail later as Kodak when cameras became digital - all the while ironically getting billions for a digital imaging patent it let others productize. Spanning centuries, from the 19th to the 21st, evoking intellectual and industrial feats from the Say brothers, bringing back to life the amazing Liebig network, making short work of Christensen’s Disruption theory, singing praise for Women In Computing, recall Ada Lovelace and Katherine Johnson’s contribution to the first moon landing… Towards the end of the book, we see a discussion of painful topics for those of us who watch large tech organizations, wonder about bureaucratic rot and the proliferation of Chief [something] Officers.

Still, this is an energizing book, filled with hope for innovating entrepreneurs, a welcome counterpoint to RIP Good Times cynics. I trust you’ll enjoy Beyond Eureka as much as I did and do as I reread it.

Marylène Delbourg-Delphis is a published author, journalist, entrepreneur and executive coach. You’ll find more about her work and ideas here on LinkedIn

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10 个月

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Jean-Louis Gassée's cautiously enthusiastic comment about the book has convinced me to buy and read it. Most "business books" encapsulate only very few small and well worn ideas. Sometimes I think that business authors and MBAs are the problem as they are trained not to address critical problems and focus on the short term.

Marylene Delbourg-Delphis

Serial CEO | Board Member | Management Consultant | Executive Coach | TEDx Speaker | Author

10 个月

Wow, thank you so much, Jean-Louis! I am so glad you enjoyed reading my book!

Ouriel Ohayon ????

CEO at Zengo. Welcome to the future

10 个月

You made me want to read a business book for the first time in years (and i agree with you on those in general!)


