A review of the applications of artificial intelligence in modeling and processes of removing dissolved pollutants in water and wastewater
Artificial intelligence has been noticed as a tool to better solve problems due to its many applications in various fields. Also, in recent years, this technology has been used in the field of water and wastewater treatment processes to model, optimize and provide solutions for strategic management to prevent water pollution, reduce available water, as well as reduce operational costs and optimize the use of chemicals. Various artificial intelligence technologies in water and wastewater treatment processes focus on pollutant absorption and, in most cases, on the performance of adsorbents to remove organic and metal pollutants. In this study, various artificial intelligence models, their advantages, limitations, as well as challenges and research problems of models in water purification processes are presented. Considering the many advantages of artificial intelligence, this technology has limitations, such as those that prevent its expansion in water purification processes, and suggestions are made to ensure the successful application of different artificial intelligence models in water-related processes. Regardless of these obstacles, current research progress shows that artificial intelligence tools have a bright future in water treatment applications.