collage by the author


In mainstream healthcare, in 2024, where do we stand putting the germs-drugs paradigm of the 1800s behind us; and, reaching forward towards a mainstream holistic health paradigm?

We are exactly in a period often spoken of, where the old myth-paradigm had died; the new myth-paradigm has been born. Any yet, the new paradigm is not yet mature enuf to carry the burden of what doctors and nurses worldwide believe as their new story of human health.

In its last decades, aged allopathic medicine, asserts itself as a calm, logical Newtonian cause-and-effect approach to pathology:

- "Every disease is caused by a microbe,'

- "A drug for every bug and disease,"

- Vaccines—not our own immune system—is our primary defense against microbes, and

- Drugs, surgery, vaccines and radiation are proven Best Practices when it comes to physical health and wellness.

In 2024, the best book expanding on how the old medical paradigm is decreasing, is Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History; 10th Anniversary Editionby: Suzanne Humphries MD, Roman Bystrianyk.

What’s the best book or presentation on the new holistic medical paradigm born and now in its infancy? I believe this book has not yet been written. I believe it will be a textbook for high school and college students on Metabolic Typing, all the methods, vital sign tests; and, the range of non-invasive treatments Metabolic Typing practitioners have been using since the days of Willian Donald Kelley in the 1960s, if not Drs. Revici, Reams, Price and Pottenger in the 1930s. A short general theory of Metabolic Typing follows shortly in this text.

One positive, often overlooked by holistic enthusiasts is, for another 50 years at least, allopathic medicine will remain relevant in emergency rooms and on active battlefields.

Born in the early 1970s, I term the new paradigm ‘Befriending Our Biology, Nature’s Plan for human physical health.’ If you have a better term, please share. In the 2020s, this healthcare paradigm grows slowly.

Q: What about the term and Best Practices of Functional Medicine?

A: I believe the term “Functional Medicine” (FM) peaked 1990-2015 and is now in decline.

Q: Why?

A: Because as several have pointed out, FM is too often “green allopathy.”

In allopathy, practitioners start with sick symptoms, identify and describe them. Then, doctors match a drug for each microbe found in each sick symptom.

In Green Allopathy, the same protocol is followed. The main difference is instead of trial and error with drugs, vaccines, surgery and radiation, trial and error is performed with herbs, vitamins, minerals and diet. Make sense?

The new healthcare paradigm doesn’t begin with diagnosis and proceed to trial and error. Instead it begins with self-connection; primarily, getting to know your own immune system. A working immune system is your best "doctor." The more you can "read" its messages, the better. A working immune system is your best health insurance. Few can do this in 2024; yet more are learning. Middle school grades 6-8 is the best place to introduce these topics. However so far the curriculum hasn’t progressed to where it will need to be in 100 years.

In 2024, where does Dr. Revici’s legacy stand?

Revici bio. Skip if already familiar to you. ~ The son of a distinguished physician in Bucharest, Romania, Emanuel Revici graduated first in his class in medical school before moving to the U.S. to embark upon a career of research into treatments and theories well outside of the medical mainstream. Revici developed a completely new system of medicine, diagnostics, and pharmacology by going back over 5000 years into Oriental philosophy and medicine, combining this Eastern approach with the quantum physics of Albert Einstein. The essence of both Eastern, yin-yang philosophy and Einstein’s physics is a dualistic view of the universe — two opposite polarities complementing and opposing each other, together achieving and sustaining balance. In 1989: "This 92-year-old physician, biochemist, and theorist does not treat disease directly. His method is holistic, aiming at re-establishing balance and enabling the body to heal itself” ~ Dennis Reid McMillan

In 2024 Dr. Revici’s innovations and ideas remain in danger of becoming lost healing wisdom. In the 1930s, he was one of a few progressive doctors, innovating pieces of what later was termed Metabolic Typing thru Willian Donald Kelley, DDS and his direct student, William Wolcott. Now several variations on MetType appear to be where Revici’s innovations continue to have the most impact and future promise. Comments, corrections invited.

Since the covid lockdown I’ve been revisiting Revici, learning MetType and expanding language for the metaphor of Nature’s Plan for human physical health. I see a way forward for wider sharing and study of Revici. His contributions remain highly significant within the “larger tent” of Metabolic Typing.

A general theory for Metabolic Typing. Comments, corrections invited

Nature's Plan for human physical wellness is for adults to:

1) DISCARD all biomarker reference ranges based on "normal" or "average" health.

2) For each specific organ or metabolic system of concern, replace with biomarker reference ranges based on OPTIMAL HEALTH-WELLNESS as determined by very healthy athletes and similar persons,

3) Identify, learn and practice non-invasive, vital-signs-like testing for each specific organ or metabolic system of concern. Generate valid biomarker numbers,

4) Compare today's biomarker numbers against their OPTIMAL reference range. In this way, the present condition of an organ or system as hypo-, hyper- or balanced--is revealed--compared to optimal health,

5) It is then possible, by simply modulating food and drink choices, to "follow the numbers" back to health for this organ or body system,

6) Finally after having some success with these methods, it is hoped an individual can and will teach family, friends and other church members how to do this.


- For each organ and body system, one or more, non-invasive vital-signs-like tests must be identified; and, a reference range for ONLY optimal health-wellness must be used,

- The more common the above two factors become, the more robust Metabolic Typing is to define optimal physical wellness; and as a method to "follow the numbers" back towards optimal physical wellness,

- Finally, ALL healthcare methods, from podiatrist to brain surgeon, from acupuncture to TCM herbal prescribing, can be benefitted by at least RBTI urine-saliva biomarker testing of lymph biochemical health. Why? All our cells and organs have to live in and get their minerals form our lymph. Lymph biochemical health is a terrific, potent therapeutic baseline for patient intake in all medical-health specialties.

Q: Does this mean perfect physical health is achievable?

A: Metabolic Typing is NOT a Magic Pill. What patients need to hear is this. Bettering your biomarker numbers towards optimal wellness gives no guarantee of achieving optimal health. Personal choices and commitment to your program are highly determinant. However, without knowing reference ranges for optimal health in lymph and other organs and system, we are reduced to trail and error. Make sense?

Patients who are curious can also be told this. Our physical health is NOT separate from our mental-emotional -unconscious health and contentment. Once clients exhaust the benefits possible to obtain via strictly nutritional adjustments, they may be ready to learn methods of self-connection, to improve their mental-emotional health--which will then also better their physical-material health. Make sense?

Any questions?

2024 summary of Revici’s topics relevant for Metabolic Typing

The below was inspired by re-reading a 1989 article titled “Revici” by Dennis Reid McMillan. It originally appeared on page 62 of SPIN magazine. It is archived in here:

The following article adapts, updates and expands on what Dennis wrote. Several paraphrases from Dennis’ original article are incorporated here.

“Anabolic” and “catabolic” poles of metabolism

Revici uses two terms, “anabolic” and “catabolic” which some readers will know describe the building up and tearing down processes which must remain in balance for optimal health of animals and humans. Revici called these "dualistic forces." In more modern language, they are called "the two poles of metabolism." Revici conceived of these as two antagonistic [complementary] forces."

When our body is in its anabolic state, our immune forces are in a building-up phase, a phase of rest, relaxation, synthesis and repair. We are most deeply in an anabolic state while asleep. This state resonates more with negatively charged ions, which support bodily rest, repair and rejuvenation.

When our body is in its catabolic state, our immune forces are in a food digesting mode, the mode of physical labor. Our immune system self is breaking down breakfast and lunch, using simple carbs and sugars immediately for energy, storing broken down nutrients and minerals for later assimilation and repair when in the anabolic state.

We have good physical health when these two forces are in a healthy daily balance.

Alternating anabolic~catabolic phases in each 24 hours

The topic above theory becomes 200% more therapeutic, practical and grounded when Revici asks, ‘In a 24 hour period, could there be a natural, 24 hour cycle of anabolic~catabolic alternation in our metabolism?’ (paraphrase).

This is both an obvious and a mysterious question. Obviously, during sleep we are more anabolic--rest, repair, rebuild. During waking hours, eating, working taking care of kids, we are more catabolic. As well, everyone knows from middle school health class, for adults eight hours of sleep at night is recommended.

Also obvious is how many people stress their sleep~wake cycle, staying up late, eating food late at night, working two or more jobs, ending up sleep deprived, etc.

What if Nature herself had a Plan for humans about our sleep~wake, anabolic~catabolic cycle? What if Nature intended a 24 hour cycle alternating between anabolism~catabolism? What if this cycle was intended to be roughly 50-50 yet does NOT coincide with our sleep cycle? What if it was easy and cheap to measure and monitor which state our body is in non-invasively?

This collection of questions, this line of research, if proven to be valid again, would be revolutionary for healthcare. If answers are in the affirmative, these factors have potential to produce a great leap forward in holistic healthcare; especially, the reduction of chronic diseases and unnecessary aging.

The bad news? To get there, these ideas will have to be proven again and professionally documented.

Revici’s 600 page book free online

Dr. Revici's 600 page book, Research In Physiopathology As Basis Of Guided Chemotherapy With Special Application To Cancer [MY DOC Revici book excerpts online pdf] is online for free:

No one has to read the whole thing. For a book from the 1930s, it’s pretty accessible. It has both a Table of Contents, an index, charts and graphs. His text provides considerable clinical detail and case studies in support of Dr. Rothman’s above summary. Revici said physical disease occurs when for too many hours each day, either the anabolic or catabolic force predominates in a one-sided fashion. He was not rigid about any of his ideas; he proposed nothing as dogma.

Revici’s contemporary, Dr. Carey Reams

Revici's had a contemporary, Dr. Carey Reams (1904-1985). Reams observed UpH and other urine-derived biomarkers. From these he innovated a "formula" of seven lymph biomarkers which encompass and describe optimally healthy lymph biochemistry. Why focus on lymph? Our lymph is the "living waters" and "internal waters" all our cells and organs must live in and get their minerals in ionic form from. Deviation of UPH on either side of Reams ideal of 6.4 immediately compromises the function of the liver and other organs.

In Dr. Reams’ method, at the level of lymph pH, as measured thru UpH, anabolic activity goes with alkalinity in our lymph. In pH these are numbers 6.4 and higher numbers. Conversely, catabolic activity goes with acidity in our lymph. In pH these are numbers 6.4 and numbers lower. In the 1930s Revici and Reams both innovated in UpH. The two men never met nor corresponded to my knowledge.

Dr. Reams prescribed acid foods and supplements for too alkaline persons; and, alkaline foods and supplements for too acid persons. Revici must have had some idea about how foods we ate raised or lowered our lymph pH. Instead of foods, Revici experimented with oral and injected alkaline, acid and lipid (oil) solutions. Instead Revici used injection of safe, non-toxic substances:

- lipids.

- baking soda solution

In the 1930s, in France, with a hospital full of primarily cancer patients, this was more workable for him.

Revici-Schenker-August-Rothman(?) UpH claims

Revici-Schenker-August claim:

- Human urine pH has a natural, healthy daily 24 hour cycle (“biorhythm”),

- The healthy archetype of this curve is visible in optimally healthy—not normal—children. Bruce thinks this is most likely to be visible in children aged 9-11 years. In Waldorf education child development literature, this is the Golden Age of Childhood.

Revici details his clinical data in his 600 page book, downloadable for free online. While Dr. Schenker has published his conclusions and generalized optimal 254 hour UpH cycle-biorhythm, to my knowledge, he has never published his original data collection.

I infer from Dr. Emanuel Revici, our optimal 24 urine pH curve is what a child has, a morning-mid-day catabolic period followed by an afternoon-evening-night alkaline pH period.

More specifically, a catabolic period (digest, assimilate and store nutrients) 4 am-4 pm. Then from 4 pm to 4 am, an anabolic period (use stored nutrients to repair and rebuild) 4 pm to 4 am).

Adding the newer idea of biorhythms, such a 24 hour curve is a likely big factor why children are so healthy. What if in every 24 hour period Nature arranges a child’s metabolism to take maximum advantage of both healthy anabolism and healthy catabolism?

Here is this idea from Dr. Rothman, a metabolic doc influenced by Revici -

Dr. Michael Rothman’s short summary of Revici’s main idea

Dr. Michael Rothman is a metabolic doc influenced by Revici.

. . . We tend to be catabolic during the day (we break down food, fat stores, glycogen stores to create energy) and anabolic at night (we heal wounds, restore energy and grow as we sleep). In fact, one of the most important factors in our vitality is our ability to cycle through the catabolic phase in the day and the anabolic phase at night. Crucially adequate-sufficient time has to be spent in the rest-assimilate-repair-rebuild phase each day.

Young children are a good example of persons who have this type of vitality. Children have incredible energy during the day. They can move for hours and hours and rarely stop to rest. Yet, when night falls they can sleep for 8 or 10 or 14 hours in a row, without interruption. They sleep “like a baby”.

Unfortunately as we age we lose this large difference (amplitude) between our catabolic and anabolic phases. We tend to have less energy during the day; then, sleep less deeply and restoratively at night. Some older, less vital people are almost in a “twilight zone” of little vitality and little rest. Dr. Revici also discovered how sick people become imbalanced and get “stuck” in one pH phase, catabolic or anabolic for the majority of their 24 hour cycle. In other words, they no longer alternate between anabolic and catabolic phases. Revici measured their anabolic/catabolic balance non-invasively using a device he invented called a tensiometer.

Overly anabolic

A person who has an overly anabolic tendency may experience a sleepy fatigue, constipation, depression and hypersomnolence (overly sleepy). They may tend to urinate frequently, especially at night. Often times they will awaken at 4 AM and have trouble sleeping until the morning. These people are prone to high blood pressure and osteoarthritis. Many overly anabolic patients drink coffee on a daily basis (trying to overcome their sleepiness). In the long run coffee makes their imbalance much worse.

Overly catabolic

A person with an overly catabolic tendency may experience fatigue (a burnt-out fatigue), diarrhea, anxiety and insomnia. These people are prone to migraine headaches, auto-immune diseases, and rheumatoid arthritis. . . .

Disturbances to our natural 24 hour curve

If Revici is correct, there are two major patterns of Imbalance: 1). No 24 hour urine pH curve. These individuals are stuck in 24 hours of acid urine pH or 24 hours of alkaline urine pH (urine pH is indicative of the pH of lymph around cells, tissues and organs). I myself am a good example of a metabolism and physiology stuck in a 24 hour acid urine pH.

Revici found the sickest patients were stuck at the most extremes of acid or alkaline.

2) The other imbalance is a reversed curve. The individual has alkaline urine pH 4 am to 4 pm and acid urine pH 4 pm to 4 am.

Verifying a 24 hour urine pH biorhythm in 2024

Compared to 90% of medical research conducted by Big Pharma today, verifying the presence or absence of a 24 hour urine pH biorhythm, is easy to measure and cheap to document.

Q: Are there any doctors or researchers currently working on this?

A: Not to my knowledge nor from what I can see online. However I am not a working practitioner, nor did I attend a formal medical, chiropractic or naturopathic college. By sharing this I hope to connect with anyone who is working on these issues.

I speculate the healthy archetype of a 24 hour UpH curve is visible in optimally healthy—not normal, not average—children age 9-11 years old. In all Waldorf education literature, this is the Golden Age of Childhood. Such optimally healthy children are most likely to be found as children of Waldorf teachers; and, as children of holistic practitioners, especially if they grow up in rural, farming areas.

Lucky for us, the reality of a healthy daily 24 hour biorhythm is relatively simple to verify. Useful initial verification can be tracking the UpH of one or more healthy child age 9-11. The criteria "healthy" will need to be described by a variety of vital signs testing, not covered in this article. A food diary for three days prior to vital signs over a specified 24 hour period will be useful to verify foods and supplements were not used to artificially create a desired UpH curve. Even ONE HEALTHY CHILD with an acid AM curve and a PM alkaline curve will prove such a 24 curve-cycle-biorhythm is possible and worth more study.

Thinking towards a 2020s UpH research-survey

Crowdsource UpH data to see if a 24 hour curve is reasonable

Another source of research data is crowdsourcing from the people who study and practice Dr. Carey Reams and Dr. A.F. Beddoe’s urine-saliva biomarker testing-analysis (RBTI). These folks have three online forums devoted to these topics and interpreting fresh biomarker values.

The vast majority of RBTIers have pH testing meters or paper pH test strips. Self-collected data can be crowdsourced from them. Criteria will have to be set, vital signs will be useful, and flll-in-the-blank forms for users composed.

The quality of self-reported data will be crucial. However even if user data turned in proves unusable for the purposes of proving a 24 hour pH curve, whatever experiments were done are likely to be of great interest to RBTI enthusiasts and practitioners.

If a 24 hour pH curve is validated, it would have vey significant impact on the practice of RBTI. I believe this would be completely beneficial. If a 24 hour curve is validated, RBTI methods can be used to measure, modify, restore and redeem such a curve. Redeeming a healthy 24 hour UpH curve could be another big benefit RBTI consultants could offer--without any major change in RBTI theory.

In 2023 I reached out to other RBTI practs to learn if they were aware or interested in the above research project. Almost zero interest. Dr. Zak (Zakaria Kouloughli) in Texas, told me both Jason Baily and Michael Olzsta say to take saliva-urine pH measures 3X day then average to account for variation. I checked with Jason via Facebook messaging. Jason replied: "I don't say take 3xs and average. The phs do wobble and each wobble is an expression of dietary input and system strength. [Each wobble] could be expressed by named conditions."

Other modern Urine pH "chronobiology research exists

Dr. Zak was also looking for UpH data collected over 24 hours, not one-off measures. I told him this can now be searched for as: "urine pH" "chronobiology

Search results:

Example paper: "Circadian regulation of renal function" (2010) -

“Biorhythm and pH" in the International Journal of Chronobiology from Department of Integrative Physiology -

Phone: 303-492-7333 - [email protected]

Sleep and Chronobiology Laboratory - [email protected]

Revici’s lipid-bound mineral preparations

Anyone with even a slight interest in Revici knows a major contribution of his was the use of lipids of two opposed categories:

- Oils, essential fatty acids, and

- Sterols, including some fatty alcohols.

A big hole in this text is my lack of experience of Revici’s lipid-bound mineral preparations. Their main current source seems to be Dr. Lynne August -

Examining Dr. Schenker’s Nutri-Spec supplements - My guess is some of these are similar to what Dr. August sells, or variations on what Revici developed. I suspect their future major relevance and significance—outside of cancer-will be in moderating excess sympathetic nervous system dominance (SD). This is a much bigger epidemic than cancer; yet, much less known. See Dr. Wayne Todd’s book, The SD Protocol - In exchange for your email his website offers a five day series of emails, links to a lively combination of text and short videos on many of the book’s topics. I consider what Dr. Todd has done, is to excerpt sympathetic dominance from its earlier context in MetType and made it into a stand-alone topic.

The cancer-focus problem

Speaking of cancer… While Revici's innovations are significant, and have a bright future, his approach was problematic. Why? Revici’s focus was anti-cancer treatments. Even in 2024 the FDA and Sloan Kettering do not approve of these. They can easily enforce their prohibition by stripping a practitioner of their medical license. This exact same problem limits the spread of Dr. William Donald Kelley’s 1960s version of metabolic typing; and also, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez continuation of Dr. Kelley’s work (1980s-2000s).

The short version? If a practitioner promotes their method as a holistic, lower-cost method of cancer treatment, the practitioner is painting a target on their back for local MDs, the AMA and the FDA to shoot at. It makes far more sense to to promote the above methods for general wellness, reducing of excess DS. Reducing excessive SD will moderate many if not most chronic diseases. Make sense?

In the above light, Revici’s ideas about a 24 hour urine pH biorhythm, how to measure it, and redeem it into a healthy daily curve, could be a stronger way forward than use of Revici treatments for cancer per se.

What if a 24 hour cycle (fluctuation, curve) of UPH is optimal? What if humans have a normal-natural acid/alkaline biorhythm we have been ignoring? What if for optimal health, this daily 24 pH cycle must be maintained? This would be revolutionary and have far-reaching consequences as the idea spreads and is tested more and more widely, proven true again and again. What if 100 years from now, the definition of an optimally healthy person, includes the rise and fall of both anabolic and catabolic activity, in a 24-hour curve (biorhythm).

New research, more narrowly focussed on confirming this one claim, a 24 hour urine pH biorhythm, will be necessary. Then, various methods to nudge your immune system back into this natural rhythm will be discussions clients will have with Revici and MetType practitioners.

Author bio ~ Bruce Dickson is retired from a small holistic health practice and earlier elementary school teaching. I’m a fan and student of Metabolic Typing (Drs. Revici, Reams, Guy Schenker’s Nutri-Spec, Kelley, Wolcott, Gonzalez, Paul Eck, Lawrence Wilson, Michael McElroy), Waldorf Anthroposophic medicine (Rudolf Steiner, Phillip Incao, et al), Functional Medicine (Dr. Bland, Mercola, Dietrich Kling Hardt, Marco Ruggiero), Reams-Beddoe RBTI, optimal reference range biomarker testing and analysis, Touch for Health, Polyvagal theory, and Brain Integration Technique.

[email protected] – (626) 627-0296 in PST timezone

List of topics above:

In 2024, where does Dr. Revici’s legacy stand?

A general theory for Metabolic Typing. Comments, corrections invited

2024 summary of Revici’s topics relevant for Metabolic Typing

“Anabolic” and “catabolic” poles of metabolism

Alternating anabolic~catabolic phases in each 24 hours

Revici’s 600 page book free online

Revici’s contemporary, Dr. Carey Reams

Revici-Schenker-August-Rothman(?) UpH claims

Dr. Michael Rothman’s short summary of Revici’s main idea

Disturbances to our natural 24 hour curve

Verifying a 24 hour urine pH biorhythm in 2024

Thinking towards a 2020s UpH research-survey

Crowdsource UpH data to see if a 24 hour curve is reasonable

Other modern Urine pH "chronobiology research exists

Revici’s lipid-bound mineral preparations

The cancer-focus problem

Diane Botticelli

Integrative Health Coach, Physician Assistant, Author: Nourishing Transformations

8 个月

Im with you Bruce. The future as I see it is about consciousness, frequency and vibration medicine along with nutrition. Light ahead


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