Revert to type…
Here’s one to have in your back pocket for those cherished pub quizzes: What are the top three keys that are pressed on a keyboard?
You may be pondering over the significance of this question. Well, what if I were to tell you that amongst the top three keys pressed on the keyboard is…backspace!
Is this symbolic of our personal and professional lives? We make progress but then retreat. We make pledges but then revert? ‘Reverting to type’ in a person is behaving as you would expect them to, after having behaved in an unexpected (and better) way.
It is life’s ‘backspace’ button – regressing from the progress we have made and deciding not to continue upon that path.
This is the season of reverting where countless businesses who have resolved to make positive changes slide back into their old ways of working.
Don’t make your resolutions be a temporary fad – let me guide you to continually develop, progress and improve your business so it need never look back again!