Reversed order
By Marietjie Uys (Miekie)

Reversed order

Day, day, go away,

I wish for the night to stay,

I wish to return to bed,

to stay there and pretend I’m dead.

Daylight laughs with brilliant teeth,

washes my bed in a golden sheath,

pulls me from my lazy slumber,

proving that it has my number.

Comes the night and all’s at rest,

then I’m at my very best,

forgetting that I’ve got a bed,

ready to paint the town blood red.

Day and night seem to disagree

over who would see the most of me,

while I am torn between the two -

one foot in a slipper, the other a shoe!

Reversed order - a poem by Marietjie Uys (Miekie).

You can read my poetry and writings on the blog, A Pretty Author - Miekie.


