The Reverse Ostrich Approach
Really interesting perspective on business especially apropos to our present times.
One: there is a shift in buyer behaviour from bricks and motor to online and it has only been accelerated with Covid. If you don't believe that then there is zero reason for you to read on.
Two: Get 100 business people in a room and ask each one if their business is "different" from everyone else's and 100 hands will go up. Why is that?
We all want to feel "special", even in business. So the present conditions buffeting all of us are not the same for "me."
You success in these times will not work for me, because we are "special." But in reality we all lust after the same thing and that is....
Buyer Trust
Jim Rohn, the business philosopher said "everyone has the same wind, the difference is the set of the sail."
Thanks to Marcus Sheridan and his insanely great book They Ask, You Answer for these insights.
Covid hit and many were in disbelief. The predicated 2nd wave hit us and many are in disbelief. The predicted devastation of businesses has hit us and many are in disbelief.
70% of the buyer journey is completed before they ever contact you and that basically happens online. That number will only go up.
Are you doing anything about that? Are you doing it well? Are you using professionals to help make you stand out in the onslaught of new digital aware businesses?
Do you still think copy by your 2nd cousin will make you stand out? Or that your 3 hour Wix website will draw traffic like flies?
The time to save your business, embrace the changes of the world and prepare for more horror next year is now.