Reverse Engineering how?when?why?
Srinivas Reddy
Expert in Data Science and Machine learning with 4+ years of experience.
Reverse engineering is a systematic methodology for analyzing the design of an existing device or system either as an approach to study the design or as a prerequisite for re-design.
by gods grace we all realize reverse engineering and engineering are two non separable cyclical twins as explained by the diagram below.
cyclical reality of engineering and reverse engineering.
--- If engineering is about artfully bringing something into live by action, reverse engineering can be artfully knowing about something how it came into action by breaking it apart.
***** But in no way reverse engineering is opposite of engineering.
Though reverse engineering can be used for the good of society by De-constructing a large no of patented technologies and then mass marketing it.
It is being largely misused in the world to create FAKE GOODS which are made out of lesser quality materials also everything of lower quality let it be technology, systems and designs as well.
" how reverse engineering will help bringing the product to mass market" .
So what all can be reverse engineered ?
A lot can be reverse engineered if you ask me any thing which is engineered can off course be reverse engineered as most of the engineered processes are action oriented processes.
largely following can be reverse engineered
1.machines or protocols
machines are some of the high priority items to reverse engineer .
machines are such an high priority items to reverse engineer, at any given point of time some other need to reverse engineer various machines arrives on earth naturally.
software reverse engineering is something of a modern phenomenon.
yet software reverse engineering is rampant in the industry and a lot of software gets reverse engineered for the process duplication. Hence heavy competition in industry.
Complicated systems are reverse engineered to understand them in depth.
eventually these manual systems are put together in various different ways to form protocol strategies, very much common in diplomacy and military operations.
best example is the use of enigma machine for de-coding during second world war.
Importance of reverse engineering ?
Importance of reverse engineering is ever growing in the current world such as the case of reverse engineering of pharmaceuticals to re-create generic medicine. Generic medicine are a cheaper alternative to regular medicine. which are very much likely lifesavers than any other over the top activities.
with help of reverse engineering prices of life saving medicines comes down. More lives can be saved with lesser risk of economic burden.
Where reverse engineering is going wrong ?
while reverse engineering can be used to the good of society in number of ways, China made counterfeit goods are largely made their mark into the global ground by employing reverse engineering to fullest utility. this led to huge industry losses. some of the greater losses are brand marketing practices and price wars .
Ethical dilemma ?
while reverse engineering is part and parcel of a regular construct. ethical questions will arise out of the utility based on how it is being used. If it is used for a social betterment and for political commitment it seems better otherwise it is going to make the economy sluggish by driving the value out of the system.