Prof Guy Van Elsacker DrSc - Biomed Expert
External Consultant at ECDC - European Union
Based on the original article By: Mike Geary, Certified Nutrition Specialist October 16, 2019
Naturally. No drugs. No injections. Even if you’re overweight.
I’m excited about this recent diabetes news because if you have it, you can’t afford to get "comfortable" in how you're living...Because with diabetes, you can never get complacent. You can’t let your guard down...Any number of health concerns can ATTACK you at any time, causing harm and terrible living conditions not only to you, but your loved ones as well...Do you really want to put your loved ones on the line financially to take care of you, or to put their lives on hold because you let your health get so bad that you need round-the-clock care? With diabetes, there are "swords" that can fall... unless you stop them. Things like:
Cardiovascular disease.Nerve damage (neuropathy).Eye damage (retinopathy) Kidney damage (nephropathy) Foot damage (ulcers).Tinnitus and hearing impairment. Skin conditions (rashes, itching and growths).Alzheimer
That’s just the beginning. Eventually the disease becomes irreversible… and ultimately, fatal .
You must stop your downward health spiral NOW -- not next week, next month, next year. There is no other way to look at it without eventually losing a tooth, an eye, a foot...Is Your Situation Being Sugarcoated? Now, maybe your doctor is sugarcoating everything, telling you you’ll be ok, your diabetes can be “managed with medication.” Unfortunately, it can’t.
But that’s what they’ll say. Why? Because...Treating Diabetes is a Cash Cow For the healthcare industry, treating diabetics is VERY PROFITABLE -- for doctors, surgeons, dietitians, pharmaceutical companies and hospitals that care for people with the disease, along with the multitude of complications that result from the disease. It’s a huge money-making machine. Please understand -- the healthcare industry is a business FIRST. It’s FOR PROFIT. Unfortunately, taking diabetes drugs is usually the worst thing you can do because your problems will just keep snowballing. It starts with a pill for blood sugar... followed by another pill for cholesterol... followed by another pill for high blood pressure. It doesn’t stop there. (Keep in mind these pills never cure anything , they just mask the symptom .
There are MORE pills for depression and neuropathy and other problems triggered by blood sugar disease. Then, once those plateau (and they will), you’ll need insulin injections when you cross over into FULL-BLOWN DIABETES. So your chances of being ‘cured’ by the conventional medical system are slim to none.They want patients like you with ongoing, chronic health problems, because they represent the biggest profits.
However, the truth is diabetes is not even “manageable”....The day will come when frequent visits to the ER will be “the new normal” for you. You and your doctor may have had success adjusting your meds so far, you may have had success with insulin injections--but I’ll bet you’re starting to notice -- it’s getting worse, not better. More and more drugs. Stronger and stronger medicine..Leading to more and more problems! It’s just a matter of time before any success you experience will be replaced by the next terrible health condition. Trust me, I’m not trying to scare you here at all. I’m trying to warn you that the inner voice in your head telling yourself you still have time... is a lie.Diabetes is a slow burning fuse...a slow, painful, socially-acceptable form of suicide
The good news is if you act now, (not next month, next week or even tomorrow,) we know which wires to cut to defuse the bomb--instead of just resetting the timer again and again.My point is simple: If you have your diabetes under control with medication and your numbers look good right now, you can’t fall into a false sense of complacency. So let’s try something different, shall we? Something not for profit and absolutely proven by science
Instead of shooting for a perfect healthy life, let’s just get your Type-2 diabetes reversed FIRST , so you can put this life threatening disease behind you once and for all. To do that, you don’t have to burn all the fat , and you certainly don’t have to look like a greek god or goddess. To reverse the diabetes, you just have to lose enough to attain what Dr. Ron Taylor calls your “Personal Fat Threshold ”. Reaching your Personal Fat Threshold is the magic tipping point that reverses diabetes.
That’s why when I discovered this new diabetes study from Newcastle University, UK, published by Diabetes Care, I got so excited. Because it gives new hopeto diabetics and prediabetics everywhere. I had to get the word out.Everything is connected to Your Personal Fat Threshold...According to the Newcastle University diabetes study lead by Dr. Ron Taylor, your personal fat threshold is the magical tipping point where your pancreas, (finally unclogged from all that stubborn fat,) starts pumping out the hormone insulin normally again. You see, the pancreas is a small, but essential organ sitting behind the stomach, pumping out the insulin needed to keep blood sugar levels under control. In type 2 diabetes, your body can’t use this insulin properly. This is called insulin resistance. At first, the pancreas makes extra insulin to make up for it. But, over time your pancreas isn’t able to keep up and can’t make enough insulin to keep your blood glucose levels normal. And the reason? Because stubborn fat (deep fat) is clogging it. Right now, like a kitchen sink, your pancreas is stopped up. If it’s not stopped up, it’s backed up, only allowing just a trickle of insulin to get through.
The study author Professor Roy Taylor told the World Diabetes Conference in Vancouver: “For people with Type 2 diabetes, losing weight allows them to drain excess fat out of the pancreas and allows function to return to normal. “So, if you ask how much weight you need to lose to make your diabetes go away, the answer is one gram . But that gram needs to be fat from the pancreas.” That’s really all you need to know to rid yourself of this devastating disease. The question becomes, how do you do that?
Being a health researcher for more than half a century, I knew there were dozens of promising diets and plans out there. But the fatal flaw that keeps them from working is they’re all too difficult to implement in real life. Why? Because they demand near superhuman commitment -- for life. They’re just too strict. (You probably already know this, which is why you’re still searching for a solution.) After seeing so many people struggle, after doing all the research, I recruited my partner Cat Ebeling. We put our heads together and created the easiest, most effective diabetes-reversing program--specifically designed to unclog and then jumpstart the pancreas. I call it the Diabetes Fix
Based on: Loose your fat threshold - Quickly Stabilize Your Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels - Unclog Stubborn deep fat from your Pancreas, Allowing normal insulin interaction. Stop Dangerous Medications and Diseases
Having to prick your finger every morning...having to take dangerous medications... having to endure insulin injections for the rest of your life...the threat of some wicked disease or catastrophe hanging over your head Imagine if you could live your life normally, just like everyone else. Able to eat the things you enjoy.
It starts by implementing a superfood-based program which allows you to unclog your pancreas , allowing you to finally reverse the diabetes. What unclogging your pancreas does (and it’s very simple when you think about it) is allow your insulin to start flowing again like it supposed to.
What are these superfoods...
First, you can forget the idea that diabetes superfoods are foods which you won’t like, foods that are snobbish or difficult to get.
For example, do you like coffee? Great because coffee is an incredible diabetes reversal superfood. Even decaf. In multiple studies, 4 cups of coffee a day has proven to cut the risk of diabetes by as much as 56%.
Here’s another: Do you use butter? Because butter in addition to other healthy oils and fats we’ll share with you, supply your body with essential fatty acids it needs for blood sugar stabilization.
In other words, yes it’s totally ok to consume fat. And in fact, it’s preferred! Or how about avocados? Talk about a diabetes reversing powerhouse! Loaded with oleic fat, not only do avocados stabilize blood sugar, but the healthy fat content in avocados makes you feel full longer as well as makes junk food cravings disappear .
So if you want to reverse your diabetes at the natural way just let me know. You need some guidance and have to do it carefully in cooeration with your medical porovider.
DO NOT START everything on your self. It can be dangerous.
To your health Take Care
Prof. Guy Van Elsacker DrSc. - Biomed Exprert Research EPIGENETICS & NUTRACEUTICALS European Institute for Molecular Hydrogen (EIMHT) Ostrava - Czech Republic