Revenue is the scoreboard
I'm sure that some of the teams that I've managed will object to this statement - because, often what I've asked about, what I've coached on: has been the actions that the teams take to achieve the desired results - but in the end: It is the revenue that we deliver that we are all measured on.
Sales is almost unique across the enterprise where the actual results that we deliver can be measured, it makes this career choice at once the most rewarding and one of the most challenging that you can choose to take on. The interesting thing is: It's not just the sales team that is responsible for the sales results - It really is the whole company that has influence:
So, yes I recognize that Sales is really the entire company's responsibility - In many ways it's the reason the company and all of the other functions exist: After all what is the use of Developing, producing, and supporting a product that isn't purchased?
Bottom line - while metrics and KPI's can be useful to tell us how things are progressing, eventually the revenue must come in! So, by all means, track the call rates, the deal stages, the close rates, and every other sales metric that you think is important - but Never lose sight of the one that really matters: Is our revenue growing?