The only methods to Increase Revenue
Revenue…. Business is pointless without it! Revenue must be the forefront of focus for any business to be successful.
I just finished a great book that touched on this issues: The Personal MBA Master the art of business by Josh Kaufman.
Josh claims there are only 4 Methods to Increase Revenue:
1. Increase number of customers
2. Increase average transaction size
3. Increase the frequency of transactions per customer
4. Raise your prices
See more here:
In my Industry, this is extremely relevant. We recently completed a big expansion project for a chemical company. Part of our work scope was to create a tank pad that would boost this companies production significantly.
That alone will help with methods 1, 2, and 3. With this added value they would have the option to utilize method 4.
There is no better example of Return on Investment than this.
Now, the questions is, are you ready to present an expansion project to your CEO?
Better yet, are you ready to present this potential increase in profit to your shareholders?
When you are, Forcine Concrete will be here to help you build a solid foundation for increasing your revenue.