The Revenge of Solar | By Arnold Leitner
YouSolar, Inc.
YouSolar sells a high-power solar+battery nano-grid system that can be the primary power supply to a home or business.
You will not believe the story I am about to tell you. But I know it is true because I was one of the main protagonists.
What if I tell you that in the spring of 2001, the United States was about to pull the plug on all large-scale solar research? The reason for the decision was that solar would never be able to provide any meaningful amount of electricity to the power grid.
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory threw a Hail Mary Pass by commissioning a study that would prove otherwise. Yours truly, then a consultant at?S&P Global, was the receiver in the end zone. The study “Fuel From the Sky” became a touchdown.
Fast-forward to 2023, and solar is still dancing in the end zone. Renewables accounted for 85% of all electric generating capacity additions worldwide, and?solar contributed 36.7%.
The rise of solar has only begun. Solar is the most widely available energy resource. Seasonality is a non-issue between 20 degrees of latitude, north and south. Billions of people live in that solar belt.
“The sun shines everywhere. So, why is it that solar doesn’t power every home?” we asked that question in our first campaign video in 2020? We answered it: “It is because existing solar technology is clumsy and entirely dependent on utilities to operate.”
YouSolar has changed that. The PowerBloc is a complete utility replacement. It allows you to harness the sun everywhere and to live, work, and play independently of utility power.
The Story of Solar Has Only Begun
And We Are Writing It
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