The Revenge of Analog
Jeff Giagnocavo
Visionary, business owner - helping others to become a living example of courage for those around them.
This past weekend I reread a book I purchased several years ago and wanted to send it to you as a recommended book to read. The book is The Revenge of Analog: Real Things and Why They Matter by David Sax. The title alone should be enough to intrigue bricks and mortar retailers. Sax’s premise is that digital is not the savior of humankind and that many examples of analog thing not only exist but are making a comeback of sorts, including vinyl records, “real” books, board games and photography film.
According to one book review site that reviewed this book, “A funny thing happened on the way to the digital utopia. We’ve begun to fall back in love with the very analog goods and ideas the tech gurus insisted that we no longer needed. Businesses that once looked outdated, from film photography to brick-and-mortar retail, are now springing with new life. Notebooks, records, and stationery have become cool again. Behold the Revenge of Analog.”
As a student of marketing, I found this book recommendation worthy for two reasons.
Being a kid in the 80’s, this book was a bit of a stroll down Memory Lane. While I appreciate and use technology, I do have an affinity for old-school, analog things, and Sax reminded me that I am not weird and that many people, young and old, are re(discovering) the benefits and pleasures of analog things.
Using examples in retail and print, David Sax reminds the marketer in all of us that people who want analog things are OK with paying a premium for these “real things.” He also reminds all of us of the slippery slope of going all-digital with the hopes of reducing marketing costs, reaching more people, etc.
This reminder alone is worth the price of the book.
The other neat aspect of this book was that I eventually had to turn my computer on because Sax shares so many interesting things and “bookmark-worthy” resources. I found myself putting the book down and doing a quick Google search to learn more about the people, places, and things he writes about. I also ended up buying a few more “real things” that I learned about for the first time.
As bricks and mortar mattress retailers, most in-store experience is analog, and we need to embrace this important fact and leverage it. This is what differentiates you from the online retailers. The fact you can shake hands and look your prospects and customers in the eye is the epitome of analog and one we must never forget.
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