Revelations from Two Miraculous Events Showing the Greatest Creator's Presence
Jiejing Lifechanyuan International Family Thailand Branch
A resident in Lifechanyuan International Family Thailand Branch
January 18, 2025
The Greatest Creator reveals Himself every day, yet these manifestations often go unnoticed because they have become so commonplace. However, the following two events defy the laws of physics and compel us to reflect deeply.
The first event occurred on November 17, 2024, in Atami, Japan, when a mudslide paused for 16 seconds, allowing the driver of a van to escape unharmed. The second took place on January 7, 2025, in Malibu, Los Angeles, California, where raging wildfires destroyed more than 700 homes but left a single mansion untouched at the center of the inferno. (For detailed accounts and visuals, please search for these incidents online.)
A mudslide halting its descent and a devastating fire sparing one house at the heart of destruction defy the physical laws of the material world. What insights can we draw from these extraordinary events?
1. Heaven protects those with good intentions, words, actions, and deeds.
2. Heaven safeguards those who revere the Greatest Creator, LIFE, and nature.
3. Those who receive Heaven’s protection are kept far from disasters.
4. The teachings of Jesus Christ, Buddha Shakyamuni, and the sage Laozi are unequivocally true.
5. Rather than striving to prevent illness and disasters or chasing degrees and material wealth, it is better to focus on perfecting and purifying one’s soul garden.
6. Those favored by Heaven remain untouched by fire and water, unaffected by plagues, free from terminal illnesses, and unharmed by misfortune.
7. A perfect heart surpasses wealth, power, fame, wisdom, and social connections.
8. Where divine power is present, the rules of the material world lose their efficacy. Blessed are those who believe in the miraculous power of the Greatest Creator.
I often say, “There are no impossible things, only those that we cannot imagine or fail to think differently about.” Ancient wisdom reminds us:
“Heaven’s mechanisms are the most profound; what use is human ingenuity?”
“If one corrects their body and mind, true essence and spirit will reside within, and great talents and virtues will arise from them.”
Life is merely a journey for LIFE through the human world. The wise traveler enjoys the scenery along the way, while the foolish one chases after money, wealth, fame, and power. Those whom Heaven protects are the wise; those whom Heaven abandons are invariably the foolish.
The essence of life lies in purifying the soul. Among all worldly concerns, this is the greatest.
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