Chukwuebuka Abazie
Entrepreneur & Research Expert | Author & Life Coach | Transformative Leadership Strategist | Product Designer
You are a spiritual being having a human experience, when you leave earth you go to your place of rest awaiting the final day of judgement. The bible says after death comes judgement, do you know what it truly means?
The same bible also said on the final day the dead and living will stand before the lord waiting to be judged. You know, many of these pastors do not really know what this scriptures emphasised. I discovered many pastors are religious and not spiritual, just a few pastors are truly spiritual but that’s by the way.
Now this is where it gets deep, some WICKED OCCULTIST men and women, witches and warlocks that tormented people on earth definitely do not have a soul. So when they die, they go to where people who have no souls abide because they belong there. Again, we are all waiting for the final judgement day. The judgement that comes first is the judgement of REST. Where will your soul be resting? In the better peaceful spiritual world or the demonic and painful spiritual world?
Ask yourself these questions and maybe you will realise the importance of having a pure heart while on earth.
2. The Final JUDGEMENT DAY - The bible says on the last day, the trumpet will sound and Christ will return again on earth to redeem his people. In the book of revelation, all these is stated there and explained how that very day will look like. I bet you, you are not ready to experience the trials and tribulations of that day. The chaos and pain that will unleashed upon the people who were not raptured after christ has left with his people.
Mhen, make Una read THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS in your bible and see what is coming.. ARE YOU READY FOR THAT DAY? I AM definitely ready and sure of heaven bro!! But are you sure my friend? Ask yourself, if within you, you find yourself guilty then it’s time you make it right with GOD. Please do not miss heaven my guy, no try am at all… E NO GO NICE FOR HERE OOOOO! The bible says for 5 months on earth, people who were not raptured will be tormented by the antichrist. Again, look up the meaning of antichrist and make your research.
I bet you, you definitely wont wish to meet the antichrist. You definitely won’t because these demonic beings no get JOY at all !! Christ is warning us about this day, wether you like it or not, wether you live right or wrong. These prophecies MUST be fulfilled. Na serious FILM go play that day!!!
Please make it right with God… Please brothers and sisters do NOT miss heaven !!!! E NO GO NICE OOOOOOO!!
Love & Light
Bazzy Francis