THE REVELATION - a new Nigeria is at hand!
Sylvester Okoyomon
Author | Corporate Trainer | Customer Relationship Management expert | Consultant | Retail Advisor
Events of the past week in our Nation have been anything but pleasant. As a student of life, I try to learn something from everything.
One word keeps coming to my mind each time I review all that has happened. It is this: ????????????????????
"???????????????????? ???? ????????" you might ask.
I'll tell you in 3 short sentences.
??) ???????? ?????? ???????? ???? ?? ?????? ?????????????? ???? ????????????????, ???? (?????? ??????????) ?????? ???????? ???? ????????????!
In all my life as Nigerian, I have never seen youth cooperate towards a common goal like I saw in the last few days all over the country. It seems as though we all thought to ourselves:
" ?????? ????????, ???? ?????? ???? ???????!"
"???? ?????? ?????????? ???? ????????? ?????? ???????????? ?????????? (corruption and bad governance)"
"???? ?????? ????????????? ?????? ??????????????? ???????????????? ?????? ????? ???????????? ???????? ???? ??????"
Few people ever thought this day will come - at least not so soon.
??) ???????? ???????? ??????'?? ???????????? ???????? ?????????? ????! (or do they?)
We finally can see clearly - by the Presidential broadcast and the recent "discovery" of COVID-19 relief materials otherwise meant for the masses, being stored in warehouses - that the current leadership may not necessary care abut our welfare. (correct me if I'm wrong)
But by far the most shocking, heart-warming and I must say, humbling REVELATION for me is this:
??) ???????? ?????????? ?????? [young] ???????????? ?????????????? ???? ???????? ?? ???????????? (or should I say bullets) ?????? ?????????????? ???? ???? ?? ?????????? ????????????
The events all over the country, particularly the Lekki peaceful protesters who refused to be intimidated by the approaching army and the tyranny of bullet shots fired at them still sends shock waves to my spine each time I think of it.
These are the real MVPs.
May their memories last.
May their courage inspire the rest of us to keep forging ahead.
May their stories be told in the history books of the future.
May their families be consoled and comforted beyond mere human words.
We shall rise.
A new Nigeria shall emerge from the ashes of the happenings of the past few days.
God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.