Martin Kettelhut, PhD - Clarity Catalyst
To fulfilling even more of your truth
Hyrum Smith’s distinction between what’s Urgent versus what’s Important also differentiates the experience of the mind from that of pure awareness. We often collapse these two worlds of experience and take everything we do to be equally pressing and significant.
This is the toughest part of the profound exercise Smith invented for sorting the undistinguished morass of things we do in a day into:
Important but not Urgent
Both Important and Urgent
Urgent but not Important
Neither Urgent nor Important
We treat our morning workout, a cracked skull, an email response, and a chocolate craving with the same exigence. Our lives become a muddle of demands on our attention, things that:
Reveal Purpose
Treat a Life-threatening Problem
Want Attention Now
Are Trivial and could wait
Their relevance gets lost. The reason such different kinds of activities come to carry equal weight is that we try to judge their level of priority with the mind. However, the mind can only differentiate Urgency versus Importance once it’s been given a purpose.?
Your body doesn’t understand why you fill your plate with vegetables first, and only add some protein and carbohydrates secondarily (perhaps skipping dessert altogether); after all the body doesn’t have the concept “plant-based diet.” In the same way, your mind doesn’t understand the purpose behind choosing a plant-based diet; at least not until it’s given the purpose of health. The mind is like the soldier carrying out your Higher Self’s directive to eat healthily.?
Similarly, the mind doesn’t understand why you:
The mind doesn’t comprehend the purposes behind these acts of wisdom, kindness and beauty; they are beyond thought. That’s why I’m calling this article “Revelation;” it’s about the need to?engage in those?Important-but-not-Urgent activities,?and?transcend the mind,?to intuit what’s Urgent versus Important.
Hyrum Smith encourages us to prioritize the Important activities precisely because they reveal what’s prior, what’s aligned with purpose, what goes in the calendar foremost. Then you’ll notice?how most emergencies disappear.
I just spoke to a client who’s been going round and round in his head about how to lead his team with a strong hand and still be liked. He’s just back from a vacation, on which he simply became exhausted with the mental gyrations of trying to figure it all out. Once he gave it over to his Higher Self, he recognized what his purpose required, then decisively reorganized the team and compassionately empowered each member.
We generally?think that if only we could get our day handled first, then we’d be able to have peace of mind. In truth, it’s the other way around:??it’s only after you have peace of mind that your day has any chance of being handled.?(LISTEN…Till You Disappear, p 46)
Yours, Martin Kettelhut /
?***Join me for a Coaches Corner Workshop on implementing the distinction between Urgency and Importance Wednesday May 11th at Noon Pacific. Please RSVP at***