"Revealing the Hidden Treasures: The Valuable Materials Lurking Inside Recycled Laptops"
MBH Global - B Corp?
Sustainable IT Lifecycle Management. Full ITAM/ITAD Services
At MBH Global, we strive to process IT equipment with the best possible environmental impact. Our primary focus is on reusing and refurbishing IT assets to extend their lifespan, thereby saving CO2 emissions compared to purchasing of new equipment. However, when reuse and refurbishment are not viable options, recycling becomes necessary. In such cases, MBH Global ensures that all items are recycled in full compliance with relevant legislation, taking every possible step to minimise environmental impact.
Recycling a laptop involves recovering various materials and components that can be reused, thereby conserving natural resources and reducing environmental impact.
The benefits
so lets take a look at what potential resource's can be extracted from a laptop that is recycled.
1. Metals
2. Plastics
3. Glass
4. Rare Earth Elements
5. Battery Components
6. Circuit Boards
7. Miscellaneous Materials
8. Reusable Components
Environmental and Economic Benefits
Recycling laptops is a last resort for MBH and wherever possible we choose a reuse recycle path but when recycling is required we not only conserve valuable resources but also supports environmental sustainability by reducing the need for new raw materials, saving energy, and minimising waste. By effectively recycling and reusing materials from old laptops, we can contribute to a more sustainable and circular economy.
#MBHGlobal #Sustainability #ITAssetManagement #EwasteRecycling #CircularEconomy #EnvironmentalImpact #ResourceRecovery #GreenTech #ReuseAndRecycle #CO2Reduction #TechSustainability #LaptopRecycling #ZeroWaste #EcoFriendly #RareEarthElements #EnergySavings #MiningReduction #EconomicValue #GreenBusiness #ITReuse #RecyclingBenefits #SustainableFuture #ResponsibleRecycling #WasteReduction #ResourceConservation #TechForGood #SustainableIT