Revealing the hidden layers
At the initial point of interest between investors and private company founders, information beings to flow progressing from investment presentations, a data room to due diligence exercises. Investors need to navigate through layers of information beyond those presented at surface level and unravel the layers to discover what lies beneath.
Only a full crystal clear picture can reveal the true potential, or threat, that lies behind an investment opportunity.
Presented below are a few takeaways and tactics on revealing key hidden data as a deal maker and representative of private investors. These tactics should not consume time or huge efforts like a full audit conducted by professional third parties in a due diligence exercise. I simply run a few tests and if a clear deviation appears at first instant, it's a sign there may be more hidden underneath. Then, it's worth taking a deeper dive to find out more.
Reasons behind unrevealed data
There is a wide range of agenda and people backing unrevealed data.
Impact of revealing full data
New key information can be influenced the direction and shape of investment decisions
Tip: Avoid distractions
People have different ways of creating distractions to stir attention away from key information.
Tip: Have a conversation with the quiet people in the room
People who like to speak a lot and share lots of information give easy access to information, yet the quiet people are a source of vast and sensitive information. This type may be open to share information upon approaching them, or they maybe reluctant to share information for a variety of reasons. Apart from technical knowledge, a set of deep people skills are required to extract information from such important profiles.
Tip: The minor details lead to the big picture
Minor details are always overlooked and can be detected from any signs:
Minor clues could lead to something valuable in the big picture.
Cross border barriers
Foreign investors are often exploited by companies and third parties who seize to take advantage of language, culture and knowledge barriers. Each jurisdiction has its own set of both explicit and implicit rules, and trusted specialized teams are key to revealing key data to safeguard and enhance investment performance. A few areas to cover:
A key part of discovering an investment opportunity is unravelling what lies beneath the surface.
It is advisable for deal makers and investments teams to ensure a review of company information as early as possible, especially during investment origination and the first few meetings with the business founder and management. Based on past experience, early clues will rise to present themselves.
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Financial Advisor/Managing Director
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