Revealed Versus Man-made Laws:

Revealed Versus Man-made Laws:

1.????Introduction – Manmade Laws:?????????????Laws in this world have been formulated to control people. From history we have learned that Greek aristocrats were the first to do lawmaking and it was done to suppress the masses. Not too long ago there were slave markets in the West, where it was legal to buy & sell them like commodities. Then there were warnings outside clubs & hotels in South Africa that 'dogs & blacks are not allowed'

2.????Revealed Versus Man-made Laws:?????????Whereas Allah SWT has send down the same Message of Islam through 124,000 Messengers. While the process was initiated through Prophet Adam A.S. and the message was finally completed in all respects by Last Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW. Unlike man-made laws; the revealed laws were in support of general public / the oppressed.

3.????Exploitation & Evolution:??????????????It is unfortunate that each nation has distorted the original message; and introduced manmade laws, which is based on injustice. Whether it be political, economic, social or family laws. But Allah SWT has taken responsibility and secured message of Al-Quran until the last day. Hence, the onus is upon us to take guidance from the source.

4.????Guidance is Vital:???????????????????????????The revealed knowledge & laws ensure that how an individual and a society will remain clean, healthy and pure to be successful in Hereafter. But the love for this world, and Satan who is an open enemy will continue to make concerted effort to misguide us. Therefore, it is vital to peg our hopes & prayers at all times with Book of Allah SWT and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAW. So that there always remain harmony and socioeconomic justice to support lower section of a society.

5.????Best Example to Follow:?????????????????“Undoubtedly, you have the best in the following of the Messenger, for him who hopes for Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much (Surah Al-Ahzab, verse no. 21).

6.????Islam and Justice:?????????????????The foundation of Islam is based on ‘equality & justice’, so that rights of general public and oppressed could be protected by the Islamic State.

7.????Superiority is Only the Basis of ‘Taqwa’:??????????????????On the occasion of Haj-ul Wa’da; Prophet Muhammad SAW said, ‘All mankind is from Prophet Adam A.S and Bibi Hawa A.S. an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a White has no superiority over a Black nor a Black has any superiority over a White except by Taqwa” (or piety & good action) and how much one save oneself from evils and worldly attractions.

8.????Success of this World and that of Hereafter:?????????????The success of this world should not matter much and our focus should always be towards Hereafter. To achieve the latter goal; we must abide by the laws laid down by Quran & Sunnah and if we don’t then we will face humiliation & torment of Allah. The following couple of example may elaborate the matter in more detail.

9.????Ghawa-e-Badr:????????????Prophet Muhammad SAW & HIS Companions RAA (who were only 313 in number) remained steadfast. Therefore, Allah SWT gave them victory over the enemy who were not only three times than them in size, but also who were well-equipped.

10.?Ghazwa-e-Uhad:?????????Whereas in Ghazw-e-Uhad; a few Companions RAA overlooked the commandment of Prophet Muhammad SAW, therefore they had to face defeat!

11.?Conclusion:?????????????????Therefore, it is essential for us that no matter what conditions are prevailing; we must not only strictly abide by the laws send down by Quran and Sunnah, but must also inculcate it at all time to create awareness & believe amongst fellow brethren.

May Allah SWT help & guide us all towards the straight & truthful path (Aameen).


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