Reveal Infrastructure Hero series: Roger Bushell - The Mastermind of Escapes!
Roger Bushell and his tunnels under Stalag Luft III

Reveal Infrastructure Hero series: Roger Bushell - The Mastermind of Escapes!


At Reveal, we pay homage to the trailblazers of infrastructure and the unsung heroes of the underground by dedicating our breakout rooms to those who inspire us the most. These individuals embody the core values of our company, and one such value, 'Look Deeper,' challenge the status quo, resonates profoundly with the remarkable story of Roger Bushell. His unwavering commitment to challenging authority in the wake of extreme adversity, and his leadership of 200 fellow inmates in a daring underground escape plan, has earned him a revered place within the walls of the Reveal office.?

The Courage Of Roger Bushell

Roger Bushell, a Royal Air Force pilot during World War II, crashed in enemy territory in 1940, where he was captured and sent to a prisoner of war camp. Little did the Nazis know, Bushell wasn't just any prisoner of war; between 1940 and 1944, he escaped three Nazi camps by digging tunnels from the main buildings, under the fences, and out to freedom. Unfortunately, he was recaptured each time. The escape that immortalized him as a legend was his third escape attempt from Stalag Luft III, which inspired the 1963 film ‘The Great Escape’ starring Steve McQueen.?

Bushell famously inspired his fellow inmates in this rousing speech that was later featured in the 1963 film.?

Everyone here in this room is living on borrowed time. By rights, we should all be dead! The only reason that God allowed us this extra ration of life is so we can make life hell for the Hun... In North Compound, we are concentrating our efforts on completing and escaping through one master tunnel. No private enterprise tunnels are allowed. Three bloody deep, bloody long tunnels will be dug – Tom, Dick, and Harry. One will succeed! Source: “Squadron Leader Roger Joyce Bushell".?Pegasus Archive?

Dubbed code name “Big X," by his fellow inmates, Roger Bushell orchestrated a plan to dig not one, but three tunnels—Tom, Dick, and Harry—under the noses of their captors. These tunnels were a lifeline, a symbol of hope for the 200 men he aimed to liberate.??

On March 24th, 1944, after months of preparation, the 200 inmates prepared to escape, unfortunately, things did not go to plan and only 76 men escaped; Bushell among them. After jumping a train to the French border, he was recaptured and murdered by the Gestapo, along with 50 of his fellow escapees.??

Although, sadly, Roger Bushell never made it to freedom, his daring tunneling escapes made him a hero of the underground, and a symbol of unwavering determination in the face of adversity.?

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